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Dawn of Dr Robot

We may be decades away from robots attending us at the hospitals, but the influence of AI technology in the medical field have arrived. It’s a known fact that in AI, Machine Learning (ML) is considered to be the best approach but most of the AI solutions concerning medical sectors are not an example of ML. They are generally using the algorithms that are created by humans. Then what exactly is happening with AI in the Medical Field? 



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The Salamander Has Found A New Way!

The Salamander Has Found A New Way!

All salamanders are not amphibians now! Scientists have developed a robot using x-rays that can mimic the salamanders in the way they move and swim. This robot can shed light on the evolutionary leap that vertebrates made from the water to the land and could also one day be used for search-and-rescue missions or inspection operations. The Pleurobot, as it is called has fewer bones and joints than real-life salamanders. The robot can serve as a scientific tool to investigate how a newer mode of locomotion, walking with limbs, can be added to an older mode of locomotion, swimming. Read more at: http://www.livescience.com/55265-robot-salamander-can-really-move.html


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Robots- exhibiting feelings & emotions

How about a system which can learn from its mistakes? How about a system which can evolve over time automatically? We refer to these features as Artificial Intelligence, exhibited by a software or by a machine. 

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