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CRM systems are now integrated!

A provider of loan portfolio and risk management solutions to bank and credit unions, has declared the integration of the solutions to their clients with the popular CRM systems. This reduces the no. of errors made by the loan departments as they no longer will enter the same data into multiple systems. U.S banks and credit unions are already taking advantage of these applications like Workflow, Credit Analysis and Loan administration which enables them store and analyse all loan and borrower information. To read more follow: - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-system-integration-offered-by-bank-software-provider-73886


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B2B v/s B2C CRM solutions

Customer relationship management (CRM) plays an important role in the sales department. 

The B2B CRM features include:

1. Vast lead development:-this feature allows easy delivery to build a strong relationship between the customer and the company.

2. Provides a platform for multiple decision makers rather than creating separate records for each individual.

3. It helps to deal with the complexities of sale processes.

4. Provides tailor-made products to satisfy the customers

5. To maintain and maximize the client lifetime value, one-to-one account management is an important feature.

The B2C CRM features include:

1. The amount of leads dealt with in B2C CRM is far greater than B2B CRM.

2. It also provides integrated customer service.

3. B2C prospects can be viewed easily by the latest social media updates from the CRM

4. Quick follow-ups with the consumers.

5. It requires real time data to stay updated about their customers. 

Both B2B and B2C CRM has its own advantages so the application must be selected which is best suited to the requirements.

To read more: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/the-differences-between-b2b-and-b2c-crm-solutions-73757


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3 ideal retail strategies

Columnist Mike Sands reveals three retail strategies which may help the retailers:-

1. Use first party data to get better customer insights. These data helps the retailers know their customers well and plan their strategies accordingly.

2. Provide omnichannel shopping experience. This makes the shoppers life easier when they shop in a very busy time schedule.

3. Digital advertising plays a key role in promoting sales. But it should be kept in mind that the ads should be designed based on the known facts of the customer. This will help to attract customers in a short span of time.

To read more follow: http://marketingland.com/3-retail-strategies-beat-amazon-holiday-season-182228


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All About Domain Level Metrics

Domain Level Metrics has released a beta version of its tool for mining aggregate metrics and provides an API (Application program interface) aggregate data from marketing analytics provider Moz, search analytics firms SpyFu and SEMrush and web stats provider Alexa. The benefit is that one does not require subscription to access the data on these platforms. To use this data it can be exported to a .csv file as the domain metrics itself is not available via an API. To read more: http://marketingland.com/new-dashboard-offers-metrics-selected-search-web-analytical-tools-184464


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Is your marketing initiative profitable?

Jacob Baadsgaard (Founder & CEO of Disruptive Advertising) shows how to determine and track the contribution margin in order to make the marketing initiatives profitable. Basically contribution margin is the difference between the amount of money made from the sale and the variable cost associated with that sale. The easiest way to predict the success of the marketing efforts is by following the rule of thumb.

§  1X contribution margin:- making extreme loses

§  2X contribution margin:- making losses

§  3X contribution margin:- breaking even

§  4X contribution margin:-  starts making profit

§  5X contribution margin:- accelerates the progress of the company


So, higher the contribution margin higher is the profit made by the company. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to get rid of non-profitable aspects of marketing. To know the contribution margin of a company it is essential to know the customer lifetime value, marketing sales and marketing spend. Read more at: http://marketingland.com/contribution-margin-tell-marketing-makes-cents-180717

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Significance of Data Visualization

To make the data presentable, data visualization is of utmost importance. According to columnist Paul Shapiro data visualization plays a crucial role for marketers because by just looking at large datasets, we can’t get an idea about the pattern of the data. This can be easily done with a help of a scatter plots, bar charts, pie charts, etc. This data visualization makes our data analysis more effective. Here comes in the concept of preattentive attributes. These attributes are those aspects of a visual that our iconic memory picks up, like color, size, orientation, and placement in a few milliseconds. To read more, follow: -http://marketingland.com/brief-introduction-data-visualization-theory-marketers-184112

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The Three Best Ways To Remarket

According to columnist Brett Middleton the 3 best ways to remarket are as follows:-

1.      Try for conversions by bringing users back: - Users who are showing interest in your website or even a few pages on your website must be targeted to convert.

2.      Go for upselling of current customers: - the current customers are likely to visit your website again and again. So try offering them a higher service or subscription to increase your revenue.

3.      Providing information to the customers as well as retaining the customers is the most important step.

Thus we can say that these will surely arose interest among people (current customers as well as new customers) and the business will prosper.


To read more follow: http://marketingland.com/3-types-remarketing-trying-183494

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What is Intent Data?

Accessibility to big data is becoming difficult nowadays. So, here comes in the concept of Indent data. Information collected about a single entity of a company is called intent data. There are two types of indent data:- 1.   Internal indent data: it is also known as first party data as it is the action which company captures on its own website. 2.   External intent data: It is also known as third party data which is collected by publisher networks. This data is collected at the IP level or through registration of users and cookies. To predict prospects, internal intent data is more useful than external indent data. Internal intent data is commonly used for prioritizing, strategically nurturing programs, campaigning etc. while external intent data is commonly used for targeting advertisement and account list, etc. Read more at: http://marketingland.com/intent-data-mean-data-driven-marketer-177773



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Ideal ways to collect and use data

Scott Rayden (Chief Revenue Officer for 3Q DigitalHere), writes in his article link about some ways for marketers to collect data and use them. They are:

1. Collect first party data which mostly includes name, address, gender, age, etc.

2. Third party data also plays an important role as it gives a deeper insight of customer behaviour.

3. Try to keep the marketing strategies simple, attractive and measurable.

4. The third party data is not very expensive and nowadays typically follows pay-as-you-go option.

5. Combine your first party, second party (media generated) and third party data for optimal insight.

6. Combining first-party and third-party data is essential to find the most likely new customer.


To read more, follow: http://marketingland.com/leverage-marketing-data-9-faqs-get-started-182784


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Mobile wallets versus physical wallets

In the near future physical wallets will be replaced by mobile wallets. A comprehensive research was conducted on the trends and growth rates in the smart phones and mobile wallets market, consumer behavior towards mobile wallets vs. plastic money vs. real money, and also on the reactions of the social media to the mobile wallets. It was found that, Asia Pacific is one of the fastest growing region in mobile wallet market and is growing at a rate of 40%. A few shortcomings may be noted in this regard: different cash transfer channels, lack of awareness, stringent policies, low margins and poor web connectivity in several areas. Read more at: http://www.blueoceanmi.com/news-details?id=190


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Five ways to handle large datasets

 Instead of cracking your head on the entire data available it is of utmost importance to target the data which actually matters. Here are 5 ways to do so:-

1. First, find out the KPI (key performance indicator) of interest.

2. Drain out the noise that is creating useless buzz. This includes activities like likes and retweets graphs.

3. Filter the data patterns that make sense and avoid irrelevant or accidental patterns.

4. Use these data patterns to generate meaningful conclusions.

5. Avoid redundancies by sharing information. This is a key point in the field of analytics.

To read more, follow: http://marketingland.com/blinded-by-data-181971


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Optimal use of Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis is now getting more popular as most B2B companies are using it to expand their businesses. But what is important here is to target the right people/accounts. The best way to do this to look at the CRM (customer relationship management) but there is a dearth of optimal databases. To expand their databases, companies are coming up with new marketing ideas, prompting people to view their websites, generating leads and opportunities. But this method may be tedious and costly. Thus we can say that predictive analysis should be used to identify appropriate a/c targets as well as increase the no. of contracts from cost effective marketing programs. To read more:



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Big Data analytics is growing by leaps and bounds.

According to Nasscom (National Association of Software and Services Companies) the expected rise in the Indian business analytics sector is 8-fold (from $2 billion to about $16 billion). It targets to make India among the top three big data analytics market in the world. To achieve this target Nasscom is partnering with its members to build a multi prolonged approach that encompasses skill development, thought leadership, products and platforms. India is an emerging hub for analytics solutions across the globe. The witnessed rapid growth is due to increased demand for cloud based and predictive analysis solutions by industries like BFSI, retail, telecom and healthcare. Even the requirement of manpower in this sector would increase magnificently in the next 5 years.

It is the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms which enabled the development of machines which can do tasks that requires deep expertise and skills. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/ites/big-data-analytics-to-reach-16-billion-industry-by-2025-nasscom/articleshow/52885509.cms


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