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Using Predictive Analytics To Prevent Churn

Predictive analytics incorporate an assortment of measurable strategies from predictive modelling, machine learning and data mining that investigate present and chronicled certainties to make forecasts about the future. There are numerous components that show churn: drops in item utilization, debasing assessment in client communications. But the issue is predictive analytics depend on complex models that consider numerous "variables" that could possibly be independent. Key steps that can make client progress with prescient examination: 1. Quit attempting to rethink the whole. 2. Understand that it is just an expectation, not an assurance. 3. Move from imagining a scenario where to what's next. 4. Make it an agreeable, shut learning circle. For more read: http://www.cmswire.com/analytics/leveraging-the-power-of-predictive-analytics-to-control-churn/

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Predictive analytics in marketing industry

The advanced age is loaded with examinations, estimations and learnings. It has brought streaming information in real time. In today's predictive analytics world, advertisers can see the future effect before spending a dime. Advertisers can hope to know how likely it is for a specific occasion to happen in the life of a customer. Customers are focused on forecasts, which depends on their computerized impression. For more read: http://www.cmswire.com/analytics/predictive-analytics-makes-marketing-dollars-work-harder/

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Importance of big data analytics

The term big data are applied to data sets which is beyond the ability of traditional databases to capture, manage, and process the data with low-latency. Big data analytics can be real-time processing or streaming analytics. The primary goal is to help businesses to use data to be well informed about their customers, decisions they should be making, improving efficiency and various other use cases. For more read: http://www.cbronline.com/news/big-data/analytics/big-data-analytics-what-it-is-and-why-you-should-care-4894627

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Use of machine learning towards customer experience

Machine learning goes a stage past big data analytics, where machines utilize calculations to adjust and gain from past encounters. In the client experience domain, machine learning permits new information about client knowledge to be enhanced as new information is added to the models. Examples of innovative machine learning applications in use today, i.e. tracking and maintaining customer profile data, hospitals use machine learning models to incorporate factors. Machine learning stages are presently broadly accessible which give demonstrated instruments to help the standard engineer group assemble information rich applications. For more read: http://www.hpcwire.com/solution_content/using-machine-learning-enhance-customer-experience/



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Phone Analytics: Changing the future of Marketing

Phone analytics are used for understanding of what happens with customers on the phone. It is possible to get an overview of all the call activity within a certain timeframe. Phone calls are an important part of marketing campaigns, particularly for the business-to-business market. But, without call-tracking data, there's no way to know how well the sales team is doing with those follow-up calls. Using the analytics data, businesses can take steps to improve by reducing the call abandonment rate.  For more read: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/273584

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Use Of Predictive Analytics In Real Estate Industry

Having access to information doesn't mean consumers will correctly understand and interpret the data. Real estate entrepreneurs also must gain a better understanding of this data to make it useful for customers. Real estate leaders should have knowledge of something when they use predictive analytics i.e. 1. Fortify the foundation, 2. Draw up a blueprint, and                                                                                                              3. Entertain your guests.    For more read: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/275805



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The Importance of Predictive Analytics in Wholesale Industry

By utilizing technology & traditional data analysis, wholesalers can use predictive analytics: 1. Forecast future customer needs, 2. Discover trends to foresee future business scenarios, 3. Predict changes in customer segments and the impact to the organization,  4.develop future pricing strategies, 5.improve upcoming marketing campaigns, 6.project customer profitability, 7.develop strategies to maintain customers, 8. evaluate their exposure and risk profile, 9. identifies potential new customers, markets and segments. By leveraging the use of predictive analytics, wholesalers can gain the upper hand over competitors in today's digital economy. For more read: target=_blankhttp://clarkstonconsulting.com/blog/wholesale-distribution-and-the-digital-economy-the-importance-of-predictive-analytics/

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All About Account Based Marketing Strategies

Predictive modeling drives Account Based Marketing or ABM strategies by identifying the right audiences. With a good ABM strategy, you can personalize your website messaging to individuals once they land on your pages.  Personalization software tracks visitor sources and actions. Then uses behavioral, demographic data to provide personalized experiences according to the visitor's characteristics. Technology won't do everything. Successful ABM strategies depend on proper integration between sales and marketing. For more read: http://customerthink.com/whats-missing-from-your-account-based-marketing-strategy/

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Predictive analytics and purchasing

Predictive analytics help you how to make money. Angela Hausman, PhD (marketing professor at Howard University) writes in her article about some possibilities to improve bottom line by using predictive analytics: 1. Recommendation algorithms
2.Manage the customer journey
3.Segmentation based on CLV (customer lifetime value) or other variables
4.Optimize deployment of company resources
5.Hire the best employees for a job
6.Detect fraud. Using predictive analytics, firms segment their customers on more influential variables. Predictive analytics can help to optimize deployment of resources. For more read: http://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/want-buy-using-predictive-analytics-01543154#eTFpvvsFFDwam4MG.97

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Use of Customer Data to Strengthen B2B Client Relationships

Customer-related data aren't a tool to generate an advanced client experience. In B2B, customer-related data are more essential, because each client relationship is special and complicated. B2B relationships involve in multiple customer contacts, as well as the company. Compared to B2C, B2B customers' needs are more complicated and require knowledge. Enterprises can leverage data to enhance support through proactive customer service. In the B2B world, client data enhances customer service by enabling deeper knowledge. For more read: http://data-informed.com/how-to-use-customer-data-to-strengthen-b2b-client-relationships/



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SEO Strategy for B2B Companies

SEO is very important for any business to succeed online and B2B companies are no exception. Some B2B companies find hard to decide which SEO strategies they should adopt. Nicole Boyer (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community) writes in her article about some of the best features of SEO available for any B2B digital marketing campaign. Read more about the difference between an SEO strategy for B2B and B2C on: http://www.business2community.com/b2b-marketing/features-seo-b2b-digital-marketing-campaigns-01539946#b1oSCmKmi6BhRfCg.97

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Usefulness of analytics

There are many ways by which anyone can optimize their website based upon user data. Four different ways to use analytics to improve the website and conversion rates are as follows: Do continuous testing, know what devices readers are using, measure site speed, pinpoint any traffic leaks. Read more at: http://www.hostgator.com/blog/2016/05/02/4-hidden-gems-in-google-analytics/

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Advanced analytics: playing a major role in retail

Advanced analytics is the procedure by which associations can make an interpretation of information. Retailers now can join their information together, i.e. From organizing information to unstructured information, to the in - store checking of client conduct, to outside elements and inspect it in insightful approaches to discover examples, estimate and make forecasts, and let you know how to tackle an issue. Read more at: http://enterprise.microsoft.com/en-us/industries/retail-and-consumer-goods/advanced-analytics-the-most-promising-trend-in-retail/

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Why Big Data analytics is beneficial for organizational learning

Business houses are now acknowledging big data. Many organizations are realizing how much Big Data affects employee learning. Additionally, Big Data can help organizations in order to gain higher efficiency, maintenance and engagement. The ways in which organization's learning programs can benefit from big data analytics are: Hyper-personalize learning to enhance business performance, higher return on Investment (ROI), Visualization i.e. Better learning, i.e. Big Data is equal to better business opportunities. Read more at: http://tech.firstpost.com/biztech/why-big-data-analytics-is-a-big-boon-for-organisational-learning-312790.html

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How to measure social media ROI

The main challenge of measuring ROI is keeping up with changes in algorithms, implementing the new tools that reach the marketplace and proving to your customers that they're getting the most extinct of their investment in you. Here are five steps for your ROI measurement strategy: - • Set Social Media Goals - ROI can be measured in a variety of ways: through customer acquisition, lead generation, clicks, revenue, contest entries, etc. It all depends on your goals. To know more, please read the article by Graham Gullans: http://www.adageindia.in/digital/digitalnext/five-steps-to-measuring-your-social-media-roi/articleshow/52016847.cms

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Retail IT professional’s confidence in cyber security - A Study

Nowadays, retailers are suffering data breaches. According to a research, it was found 33% of retailers say they have experienced a breach where intruders stole or gained access to personally identifiable information. Another research found that 87% majority of respondents said their breach detection systems are either well-integrated (39%) or partially integrated (48%). In 2014, only 75% said these systems are well-integrated (33%) or partially integrated (42%). Read more at: http://www.chainstoreage.com/article/study-retailers-gaining-cybersecurity-confidence#

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How B2B Companies Can Use Social Media To Their Advantage

B2B companies currently utilize social media platforms to enhance their content marketing strategies. Nowadays, B2B marketers are utilizing these platforms effectively. This has helped to improve customer engagement and brand relationships. To know more, please read the article by "The young entrepreneur council": - http://smallbiztrends.com/2016/04/b2b-social-media-tips.html



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Customer Experience - A New Perspective

Customer experience is the new buzzword in today's business world. Cloud technology is changing the way prospects and customer research and thus simplifying purchase decisions. Speed and agility are important for any business to survive. Business houses must be competent enough to fulfil customer demand. Ryan Thomas (Valued contributor of Business2community.com) writes about some tips that will help create winning customer success best practices: Utilize a Revenue Lifecycle Management (RLM) framework and maturity model to benchmark where you are today, create a customer journey map, continuously innovate to improve products, and Consult with post-sale customer engagement experts. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/5-tips-evolve-customer-success-best-practices-01548139#cJxoiuQAzeaj7wWP.97

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Qualities of a successful cyber security start-up

Cyber security provides worldwide information security reaching $76.9 billion in 2015.According to a research, it is anticipated to hit $170 billion by 2020 and the number of cybersecurity startups is increasing at a faster rate. Below are some qualities that are relevant in the world of cyber security: - 1. You must know your value proposition
2. Domain expertise and technical expertise are a must
3. You must know your audience.
To know more, please read the article by Riz Noor (Programme Director, Cyber London): -

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Prediction of gentrification by social media

A new research has found that social media posts and check-ins can be applied to anticipate when an area is about to be gentrified. Researchers from the University of London investigated thousands of social media posts on Twitter and Foursquare to determine what venues and what neighborhoods brought people together of heterogeneous background versus those that attracted homogenous crowds. To know more please read the article by Jonathan Simrin (seeker's web producers): - http://www.seeker.com/social-media-predicting-gentrification-1732419822.html

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