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Social media changing the way to deal with disaster

Facebook has launched a safety check that helps people to tell their friends and family that they are safe. This is really helpful in sharing safety information on natural disasters like tsunami, earthquake or any man-made disasters. To know more, please read the article by The Hindu: - http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/ec-to-keep-tabs-on-social-media/article8488260.ece

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Social Media and Election

In today's world, particularly in urban and semi-urban areas, social media and networking sites have become very strong mediums of communication. The Election commission of India is keen to know the nature of the campaign on these sites and if the candidates are trying to spread hatred, lies or anything with communal overtones through these mediums. To more please read the article by The Hindu: -


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How to Step up social media marketing strategy

Today social media marketing works in coupled with different business procedures. It is a powerful platform that can boost a business's bottom line. The author writes about some steps to create a social media marketing strategy that resonates with the target audience. They are: 1. Establish Goals, 2. Audit Existing Social Medial Connect                                                                                    3. Build Your Online Identity From Ground Up  , 4. Connect With Industry Experts And Influencers To Increase Followers, 5. Create an Engaging Editorial Calendar,                                                                          6. Trace The Reach Of Your Social Media Campaigns, and                                                         7. Build On Your Strengths For more read : http://www.searchenginepeople.com/blog/16043-social-media-marketing-strategy.html

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Some Marketing Features For CRM Software

CRM is needed to take decision about important marketing strategies. CRM technology is always evolving and CRM system support sales, marketing and other key functions. But, nowadays, business can grow by optimizing CRM. The following six features will ensure optimizing CRM technology and will help in the growth of business. They are - Email Marketing Integration, Campaign Management, Application of Analytics, Lead Generation Tracking, Customization of CRM software and Software that helps to create client lists. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/6-marketing-features-for-crm-software-73171



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New cybersecurity technologies

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently highlighted some new cybersecurity technologies that may have potential as commercial products. Some of them are - REnigma, Socrates, PcapDB, etc. To know more, please read the article by Tim Greene (covers security and keeps an eye on Microsoft for Network World): - http://www.networkworld.com/article/3056624/security/8-cyber-security-technologies-dhs-is-trying-to-commercialize.html

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The role of social media for social workers

Social media platforms have become more established in society, and so its adoption and acceptance in social work have also become normal. It is important, therefore, that newly qualified social workers are encouraged to nurture their digital skills and consider the moral implications of using social media as an engagement tool. Social workers should communicate through social media more effectively. To know more, please the article by Denise Turner (An associate tutor and PhD student in the school of education and social work at the university of Sussex): - http://www.theguardian.com/social-care-network/2016/apr/07/social-workers-social-media

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How to invest smartly by using social media

When we invest without using Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media, we are making a mistake that could deprive us of potential profits. Author "Brain D. Egger" recommended that we don't have to be a 'master of the universe' to know which social media tools can improve our research. o Twitter: - Financial bloggers and analysts use Twitter to let people know what they are thinking about stocks and news events. And there are cases where news break first for investors for social media. So, social media can be a way of becoming aware of what's happening in real time or the news becomes stale. Read more at: http://www.blackenterprise.com/money/how-social-media-tools-can-make-you-a-smarter-investor/

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Cybersecurity Tips For Lawyer

Cyber-attacks are a threat to businesses today. The need for better cybersecurity, along with the responsibility to safeguard the client and firm information from the risk of loss from cyber attack, has been the focus of considerable discussion by law firms. Almost all law firms of any size or legal specialization have in their custody and control sensitive client and firm-business information. Here are some tips shown in a recent conference: Use two-factor authentication: - Two factor authentication is a popular and effective way to protect the security of online accounts.
To know more please read the article by David Lat (Founder and managing editor of Above the law): -http://abovethelaw.com/2016/04/7-cybersecurity-tips-for-lawyers/?rf=1



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Steps for measuring social media ROI

The crucial issue with social networking marketing is that there is no shared factor to quantify its ROI. In view of this, the viability of online networking has been measured haphazardly, best case scenario, and not at all in some cases. Five steps to measure the effectiveness of social media efforts:1. Identify  key performance indicators (KPIs)                                                                           2. Align social media goals with business objectives                                                          

  3. Set up Google Analytics to track conversions
4. Assign values to KPIs                                                                                                              

 5. Benchmark against competitors

 For more read:  http://www.adageindia.in/digital/digitalnext/five-steps-to-measuring-your-social-media-roi/articleshow/52016847.cms



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Customer Satisfaction In The World Of Mobile Apps

Customer satisfaction is important for any business. In a competitive market, companies must listen to customers. From app ratings to net promoter scores (NPS), the customers are the real hero. So, it is important to know what customers are thinking about your app and your service as a whole. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/measuring-customer-satisfaction-mobile-world-01546487#4EQRbxq4ojlpH9YF.97

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Social media can give a real-time update on high school safety

Social media feeds can provide a real time understanding of the current scenario. Even in high school context, social media can play an important part. Terror strike at school to suicide, trauma, we can surely defend them if we have subsequent update of malicious activity near school premises. Collecting students' online data isn't the only option. School boards in Canada employ a number of methods to tackle the issue of safety in schools. A safety monitor is essentially a trusted person students can come to if they have a problem. But poking nose into student’s wall or social platform is a choice of ethical issues. To read, follow: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-school-safety-social-media-monitoring-1.3479718



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Social Media In Law Enforcement

Social media is becoming valuable for law enforcement professionals, both in crime prevention and investigation. Use of social media is becoming important, but the question is how exactly it is being utilized to optimal effect in criminal investigations. It looks at current Law Enforcement practices and processes. This changed the landscape over the last few years. According to a study, there are more than 8200 likes on an average in any Police department's Facebook page which helps the officers to connect with the community. Read more at: http://www.weau.com/home/headlines/Importance-of-social-media-in-law-enforcement-373027831.html


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How Social Media is helping restaurants

Restaurants wants to get involved with their customers; so they use social media tools to get more patrons walking through their doors. Adding Facebook to marketing mix increase awareness about the restaurant, generate motivated engagement with food etc. Some important Facebook marketing tools are: - # Facebook marketing – It provides an opportunity for dining establishments to connect with their clientele.
# Cover Picture - Include delicious photos of food, or people having a good time enjoying a meal with friends. We could change our cover image whenever we have a menu change, and market the new items or specials.
Page Tabs - Use the tabs on Facebook Page to entice people to visit eatery. The first four tabs are important. They are - : photos of food, locations, food deals and featured menu items. Read more at: target=_blankhttp://www.singleplatform.com/blog/2016/2/26/8-ways-restaurants-should-use-social-media

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Role Of Social Media In An Election

Social media is one of the best ways for campaign managers, political analysts, news outlets or even marketers to understand and take action based on public sentiment about each candidate. Political candidates are using social primarily as a means to push mass messaging. They haven't harnessed social expanding potential to proactively join millions of relevant conversations. Candidates are also investing in talented team dedicated to publishing original content on multiple channels like using Snapchat for elections. To know more, please read the article by Monica Jacquez (Reporter) at: target=_blankhttp://www.kionrightnow.com/news/local-news/social-media-plays-vital-role-in-2016-presidential-race/38537622

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Impact of Social Media On Shopping Behavior

Social media refers to the use of virtual social networks, peer review and other social tools in purchasing process. According to a study, 64% of smartphone users use their phone to shop - and most of them look for reviews and recommendations from a number of sources to help them make their buying decisions. Reviews in social media affect consumers of different ages and races. Shoppers embrace the Internet for a variety of reasons like convenience, price, and selection. Read more at:



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How social media will help you to get recover from traumatic experiences

Social media enables us to reach transplant survivors and families far from them. There are many people who use social media to help manage their health like "My Transplant Chat Group" and many networking accounts to attract people who share their health concerns. There are a lot of healing and help, as individuals share their experiences, answer questions and provide moral support. To know more, please read the article by Sharon Brennan (freelance writer and journalist):  





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How to break a wall created by social media

How to break a wall created by social media

According to a research, half of the respondents perceived their social media as a business liability.  Social media can impede professional progress or even halt Errant social media profiles typically fall into one of the following categories: -
• Inaccurate- From job titles to worldview, inconsistencies among various social media tools are really easy to expose.
• Sparse- Experts suggest that if we can’t dedicate the time to be active on a platform, then delete our profile entirely.

• Overwhelming- People who view our profiles wonder if we are on social media 24/7, leaving no time to be productive on other projects.
To know more, please read the article by William Arruda (contributor at Forbes): -

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Social media will change T20 world cup experience

Social media will change T20 world cup experience

T20 World Cup is taking place in India and people can't be more thrilled this year. The Indian team is doing quite well. Here are some social media platforms planning ahead for the world-cup: -
• Facebook: - Facebook Live, a live streaming service to find a closer behind-the-scene experience. FB are planning to show stadium experience, press conferences of post-match, players Q & A and many more.
• Instagram: - You can follow the hashtag WT20 as all the players and teams will upload the photos and videos with this hashtags.
• Twitter:- Twitter launched special emojis for every country in the form of hashflags apart from WT20, AskTheCaptain, and WorldT20Heros.
To know more, please read the article by Ivan Mehta (Tech News Editor)

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Kerala election relying on social media

Politicians are leveraging their campaign online and now it is being used primarily in the forthcoming Kerala election. Candidates are spending a considerable amount of money to make themselves visible on the social media. Candidates want a website and social media accounts of their own ahead of the May 2016 elections. Several IT firms are approaching candidates who have been asked to create websites and also a social media page.

To know more, please read the article by Vicky Nanjappa (Special Correspondent): -

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Social media help in predicting Natural Disaster

An International scientific study has extended research into the use of social media as a tool for monitoring, evaluating and even predicting levels of economic damage caused by natural disaster. Twitter is useful for real time monitoring and prediction of the economic impact of disasters. To know more, please read the article by Daniel Oberhaus (contributor in Motherboard): - http://motherboard.vice.com/read/can-social-media-predict-disaster-damage-better-than-relief-agencies

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