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Benefits of Using Cloud

Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications. Cloud is powerful but many of us our in beginning stage. Here are some benefits of using clouds:
• It helps to your Manage Cash Flow
• As all new innovations are happening in Cloud so there are wider choices
• Automate and Drive Efficiencies
• Gain better insights into your business
• Cloud helps us to grow cost effectively
• With the cloud you can keep your IT equipment costs low, and minimize your hardware and software maintenance costs
Read more at: http://smallbiztrends.com/2015/04/reasons-to-move-to-the-cloud.html

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Continuous Improvement: Strategy to manage Inventory

According to Larry Fast (president of Pathways to Manufacturing Excellence), inventory remains a key area where we want to improve processes and eliminate waste. In the manufacturing industry, we basically have three types of inventory (raw material, WIP and finished goods). If we have an excess inventory it means that processing issues are hidden. CI (continuous improvement) strategy in an organization generally reduces their average cycle time by 70.4%, reduce scrap by 50%. Read more at: http://www.industryweek.com/ask-expert-lean-leadership/are-you-overlooking-inventory-focus-process-improvement-and-waste-reducti

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Social Selling Strategy for Long Survival

According to Monica Zent (CEO & Founder of Foxwordy), social networking just takes a quarter of all time spent online to reach more than 75 percent of all internet users. Social selling, basically, is engaging with your target audience via social media. To leverage the power of social selling you must understand your stakeholders (customers, investors, clients, business partners etc.). Once you find your target, you need to engage with them and for building long term relations, you need to be credible. This strategy helps to generate 50% more sales. Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/244293


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Data Analytics for Health Care


According to Stefan Groschupf (CEO of Datameer), big data analytics can prevent healthcare industry from fraud as technology is providing powerful means to catch and prevent perpetrators.  Data-analytics will help in securing patient privacy and mitigating prescription fraud.  According to 2014 analysis of Standard & Poor's 500-stock index companies, it was found that healthcare and pharmaceutical companies have worse security performances. Big data analytics can be used to combine, integrate, and analyze data at once regardless of source, type, size, or format and identify   patterns needed to address fraud and compliance-related challenges. Big data can help to combine multiple data sources, analyze data and quickly deliver insights, pharmacies, doctor offices, and hospitals can track abnormal activity to mitigate prescription drug abuse. Read more at: http://venturebeat.com/2015/03/31/big-data-analytics-can-prevent-health-care-fraud-heres-how/


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Talent Management need for today’s business

Investing in talent management software can assist HR professionals in gathering and analyzing the data of employees. Applying big data analytics to measure employee performance can help organization to find strength and weakness of their employees e.g. many companies use wearable tech to improve communication within its stores, to track employees when they're at work. Employee satisfaction surveys, team assessments, social media, exit and stay interviews etc. can help HR to predict employee's attrition. Conducting performance appraisals and 360-degree performance reviews can help HR in better understanding the effectiveness of their professional development efforts. Big data analytics can be an advantage while hiring employees. Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/244247

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Increasing Importance of Digitalizing the Value Chain

Technologies are changing how things are designed, made, and serviced around the globe and they have the potential for disruptive change. They can create value by connecting individuals and machines in a new "digital thread" across the value chain. Digitizing the value chain facilitates innovation and can directly improve the top line. Digital manufacturing is already proving its potential. For example: Coca-Cola applied a flexible packaging process in its "Share a Coke" campaign, which helped to increase the company's soft-drink volumes across world markets. Read more at: http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/manufacturing/digitizing_the_value_chain

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