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Tips for getting into Digital Marketing

The increasing importance of digital marketing is forcing every organization to use digital marketing. Here are some tips for organizations which are planning to use digital marketing:

·         Hire someone who has knowledge about digital marketing or learn how to use digital marketing.

·         There are various ways to analyze digital marketing, but some of them may suit you or some not. It is important to keep on trying new ways.

·         The best type of digital advertising reaches its audience by consent. Maintain a link between consistent efforts and spamming.

·         Try to make your advertising, mobile-friendly because mobile revolution is the next revolution.

·         There are various tools that allow for a do-it-yourself approach and leverage content across platforms.

Read more at: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/051215/dos-donts-digital-marketing.asp

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Importance of Agile and innovations in Manufacturing Companies

According to Bill Baker (President/Owner, Speed to Excellence), manufacturing companies need to be innovative.  They need to keep on finding new ways to do a task. Companies and individuals need to be agile and flexible in gaining new skills. In manufacturing industry only three things matter. They are:

People: Employees are the most valuable assets of the organizations. They can find innovative ways to make processes more efficient.
Technology: It keeps on changing. To be competitive you need to adapt new technologies.
Process: Process can be improved by reducing waste time and by improving quality and to improve process you can use lean six sigma.
Read more at: http://www.industryweek.com/leadership/what-does-future-hold-manufacturing

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5268 Hits

How to monitor social media accurately: A study

78% of the companies have dedicated social media teams and only 26% of the companies have social media as the part of their marketing strategy. This shows that, they don't recognize the value of social media marketing and they don't trust social media data for decision making. Companies using social media for marketing or promotion mainly use two strategies for monitoring:

Restrict to hash tag mentions: A strategy that leads to high precision at the cost of many missed mentions.
Unrestricted keyword search: An approach that could generate numerous false positives.

But these strategies lead to false results. Now the question arises how to monitor social media accurately?

Rohini Srihari (Chief Scientist at SmartFocus and a contributor to Econsultancy) in her article “how reliable are social analytics?” talked about several ways for monitoring social media accurately. Some of them are:

• For comparison across brands and different content sources, you should consider the various features like share of voice, sentiments, sudden spikes etc.
Sentimental analysis is best for analyzing trends like change in public perception.
• For location based analytics, a researcher should ensure that a sufficient number of samples have been obtained.

To know more follow this link: https://econsultancy.com/blog/66466-how-reliable-are-social-analytics/

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7235 Hits

Tips to plan a successful Marketing Strategy for Millennials

Millennials are the young adult between the age group of 18-34 years and according to reports total buying power will fetch $1.3trillion annually.  Millennials are diverse in terms of attitude, behavior and language, due to which marketers are facing problem in targeting them. According to Sujan Patel (Entrepreneur and Marketer, VP of Marketing at When I Work), there are some common characteristics shared by all of them. He discussed some tips on targeting millennials, they are:
• You should have an attractive mobile marketing
• Target social groups, instead of life stages
• Be relevant and engaging
To know more about these tips, please follow this link: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246199

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Struggling to attract customers: Try these marketing strategies

In this competitive world, most of the organizations are struggling to attract customers. They are advertising on TV, newspaper, billboards. But, they are not getting success.  Here are some successful marketing strategies used to target the right customer at the right place and at the right time are:

·         Content marketing is one of the most powerful marketing strategies. This includes articles on website, e-newsletters, videos and articles on other website.

·         Make advertisement look visually good by adding pictures. According to a recent survey by Hubspot A/B, images used in tweets increase clicks by 36%, increase retweets by 41%, increase in leads by 55%, and increase visit by 31%.

·         Use responsive design, website technology for detecting the customer’s device and providing reformatted website according to the screen size.

·         For transparency, use social media marketing.

·         And at last, try to relate with target customers.

To know please follow this link:  http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/competitors-arent-01222954

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Internet Of Things: 6 Hurdles

IOT refers to sensors that communicate over the Internet without human intervention. According to McKinsey and the Global Semiconductor Alliance report, surveyed 30 GSA members who were senior executives at semiconductor companies, “IOT has potential, but it has several hurdles which can delay it.” These hurdles are:
• Security and data privacy
• Customer demand
• Limited consensus on standards
• Market fragmentation
• Elusive new revenue sources
• Technology shortcomings
To know more about these hurdles and how they can affect IOT implementation processes, read an article “Internet Of Things: 6 Obstacles” given in the informationweek.com by Thomas Claburn (Writer at InformationWeek) at: http://www.informationweek.com/mobile/mobile-devices/internet-of-things-6-obstacles/d/d-id/1320434

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Monitoring Practices for making operations effective

In today's competitive world, many organizations are planning to apply DevOps. DevOps is the practice of operations. In this practice, development engineers participate together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support and it is also the collision of two major related trends: Agile Operations and collaboration between development and operations staff. Continuous improvement in devops can help organizations to be efficient and innovative. Here are some practices used by DevOps professionals to turn monitoring practices into an important part of their fast-paced product delivery cycles. They are: Consolidate your tool set, Enrich data with contextual information, Rethink the reporting of operational problems, Automate what doesn’t scale, Applying knowledge based algorithms for monitoring data gives you actionable result. To know more about these practices and devops, follow: http://venturebeat.com/2015/05/17/4-ways-to-radically-improve-app-monitoring-with-devops/

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CaaSi: Future of SaaS

In Software-as-a-service (SaaS) all the data, app and app meta data is managed by the vendor. This created the feeling of dissatisfaction among customers. To make the customers satisfied, a new technology is launched "Container-as-a-service" and with some improvement in CaaS, an upgraded software (CaaSi) Container-as a service for ISV (Independent Software Vendors) has been developed. In CaaSi the data is managed by customers and, app and app meta data by vendor. CaaSi model is the mixture of on premise and SaaS benefits. For example, automatic effects, network effect, scaling ease etc. benefits are from SaaS and Accounting (include Capex and Opex), data access, cost transparency, data ownership, direct integration etc. are from on premise. Cloud service providers like Google, Amazon and Microsoft added CaaS in their service list. To know more about CaaSi and CaaS, read an article "Goodbye, SaaS - hello, Containers-as-a-Service" by Peter Yared (Sapho) at: http://venturebeat.com/2015/05/09/goodbye-saas-hello-containers-as-a-service/

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4445 Hits

Transparency: A key to build trust and long-term relationship with customers

According to Enza Lannopollo (Researcher at Forrester), "organizations ability to protect the customer's privacy is the building block of trust and long-term relationship." According to the Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF) annual research report surveyed 15000 respondents, about 49% of respondents say that lack of trust limits them from downloading the app, 72% of the respondents are not happy with sharing personal data and 34% of the respondents say that lack of trust stops them from buying online apparels.
This shows that trust is one of the most important factors while buying, downloading or sharing personal data on mobile apps. Craig Piezle (executive director of the Online Trust Alliance), offered 9tips for making an effective transparency process:
1. Communicate the value to the consumer.
2. Have a clear and concise privacy policy written for the customers, not for your legal team.
3. Provide the ability for consumers to opt out.
4. Restrict any sharing with third parties.
5. Have a lawyer’s privacy policy with icons.
6. Consider having privacy policies written in multiple languages.
7. Define your retention practices.
8. Move from a compliance mindset to stewardship.
9. Embrace doesn’t track.
To know more about the benefits of using transparency and why transparency is important in today’s customer driven society. Read an article “Big Data: Protecting Privacy Is Good For Business” by Pam Baker (Author of Data Divination: Big Data Strategies) at: http://www.informationweek.com/software/enterprise-applications/big-data-protecting-privacy-is-good-for-business/a/d-id/1320367

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3983 Hits

Tips for making effective social media marketing strategy

Social media marketing is considered to be the best way to reach the prospective customers. But it could be a disaster also, if not done with proper planning and strategy. Jeff Foster (Co-founder and CEO of Tomoson) in his article “How to build a social media marketing strategy that works,” discussed about some tips for building a good social media marketing strategy. That are:
• Understand your goals
• Create measureable objectives
• Characterize your customers
• Look at the competition
• Develop your messages
• Choose a content plan
• Choose your channels

For building an effective social media marketing strategy an organization need to define their mission that could increase their sales, creating brand awareness, etc. One should choose one or two missions at a time to make marketing more effective. To know more about these tips and their benefits, read an article: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246085

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Barriers in Applying Analytics in a Retail Company

The Retail industry is very competitive. Retailers need to apply analytics to analyze consumer behavior and retain them. Predictive Analytics help retailers to predict the response of customers regarding new offer, discount or product. But barrier of culture and stage fright, stop them to apply big data analytics.

Leslie Dinham (Teredata) in her article "two ways retailers are overcoming barriers to analytics adoption," talks about solutions to these barriers or adoption blockers. They are:

Barrier 1# Culture is the culprit: Employees get rigid due to working in the same culture, performing same job or duties. They don’t want to change their decision making process and roles. It becomes difficult to apply data analytics in this culture. The solution to this problem could be informing employee about the benefits of using data analytics and provide necessary training.

Barrier 2# Stage Fright: Many times, retailers won’t get success while applying analytics in their organization because they won’t able to choose the right team, tool or technology, won’t able to integrate new analytical capabilities into operations or the culture of the organization is not innovative. Paying attention while applying analytics in these things can help organizations to successfully apply analytics.

To know more about these barriers and solution to them, read an article at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/teradata/2015/05/13/two-ways-retailers-are-overcoming-barriers-to-analytics-adoption/

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Security Questions: How It helps you to analyze cloud risk

“Companies are pushing more sensitive and regulated data into the cloud. But, this journey is raising questions like 'security of data'.”

Applying software-as-a-service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) add on some more risk to the organizations. Ericka Chickowshi(specializes in information technology and business innovation) in her article “10 security questions to ask a cloud service provider” at Informationweek, discussed about 10 questions to be asked by companies from SaaS service providers before applying cloud. Some of them are:

·         Do you keep a signed audit trail of which users performed what actions when, both through their UI and API?

·         What is my role and your role in the protection of my data?

·         Do you encrypt all data transmissions, including all server-to-server data transmissions, within data centers?

·         What is your termination or ‘exit process’ for ensuring successful transition from services to an alternative offering?

·         Do you allow customers to perform scheduled penetration tests of either the production environment or a designated testing environment?

Asking these questions can help you to assess the risk. To know more questions and their reason for asking, visit the following link: 

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Data Lifecycle: Transferring data from network to cloud

“Transferring data from your network to cloud includes processing and storing of the database and then processing for further use.”

Gerry Grealish (Perspecsys) in her article Protecting the Data Lifecycle from Network to Cloud” at Informationweek, discussed about three phases for transferring data from your network to cloud and risk associated with them:

Phase 1# Data in motion: It is the term used for data as it is in transit. Risk is interference by third party. Cryptographic protocols, such as
Secure Sockets Layer or Transport Layer Security can be used to protect data in this phase.

Phase 2# Data at rest: Data is stored in the form of file or database. Risk is reading of data by third party.
Database solution can be used for protecting data like tools offered by CSP for encryption operations and there are various techniques like block level encryption technique.

Phase 3# Data in use: It is a data which is loaded into a process and is in the memory of the program that is running. And it is not protected by cloud service provider’s techniques like in-cloud based encryption techniques.

To know more about these phases and risk associated with them, read on: http://www.darkreading.com/cloud/protecting-the-data-lifecycle-from-network-to-cloud/a/d-id/1320249

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Increasing role of Marketing Ops

It was found that, 59% of CMO's who use technology strategy, depends on marketing ops for tools, analytics, process and metrics. According to Scott Vaughan (CMO of Integrate), marketing operation (marketing Ops) focuses on customer acquisition. The marketing operations function has emerged due to the need for a more transparent, efficient, and accountable view of marketing. Its growth was driven by the proliferation of marketing technology and increased pressure from the C-suite to prove the value of marketing and contribute to the bottom-line. The Marketing Ops role is increasing in today’s world, so, some tips for Marketing Ops leaders. They are as under:
Tip 1# Lead process change by organizing around the customers: Look at your current marketing plan, technology, process and resources.
Tip 2# Drive decisions based on governed data: Apply data governance to improve quality.
Tip 3# Shape the marketing technology infrastructure: Identifying and applying right technology.
Read more at: http://marketingland.com/marketings-new-customer-nerve-center-marketing-operations-127292

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3960 Hits

Suggestions to boost your Social Media Campaign

In today’s competitive world, most of the organizations have a social media marketing as the part of their marketing strategy. But most of the time they won’t get success. Here are some common mistakes are discussed:

·         Choosing an incorrect platform.

·         Doing too much or too little.

·         Ignoring content marketing.

·         Inappropriate content or self-promotion.

·         No personal branding.

·         Canned responses to negative comments.

·         Not aligning with the target audience in terms of tone and messaging.

Here are some tips for choosing a right platform:

·         Facebook can be used for leveraging the community efforts and building trust.

·         Twitter can be used for broadcasting your messages and connect with thought leaders and people.

·         LinkedIn can be used for targeting a professional audience.

·         Google+ can be used for SEO efforts.

To know more about these mistakes and solution, read an article “7 deadly sins of startup social media marketing” by Radha Giri, http://yourstory.com/2015/05/social-media-marketing-deadly-sins/

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4509 Hits

Solution to some Manufacturing Problems

There is a continuous fall in number of manufacturing industries due to lower profit margin or problem in operation. Here are some problems faced by manufacturing companies with their solutions:

 •    Organizations won’t able to find skilled labor:

·         They need to train them for building required skills, and train employees to solve daily problems.

·         Can’t keep track of all the regulations: Companies need to have Quality legal counsel.

·         Problem with suppliers: Apply lean, six sigma or analytics to reduce waste cost and lead time.

·         Competitive Advantage: Continuous Innovation and lean product development are the need of manufacturing industry.

To know more about these problems and their solution read an article link “Manufacturing: It’s Where and How, Not If” by Becky Morgan (President, Fulcrum ConsultingWorks Inc.): http://www.industryweek.com/strategic-planning-execution/manufacturing-it-s-where-and-how-not-if

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Retailers and E-commerce threat: A New Study

In today's present scenario, retailers are facing threat from online stores. There is a fall in profit percentage. But to deal with this, retailers are increasing their customer's database as they can apply analytics on the data, predict and track customer behavior.

 In this context, the Future group's plan is to increase the database of customers so that they can fight ecommerce companies.

According to Punit Soni (CPO at online marketplace Flipkart), “Capturing a huge swath of pricing and things of the largest economies of the world, and becoming the default marketplace is not easily doable for offline players”.

To know more about Future Group strategy and analytics in retail, read an article link “Future Group banking on analytics to battle e-commerce companies” by Jayadevan PK (ET Bureau): http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2015-05-08/news/61947503_1_rakesh-biyani-future-group-data-analytics

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Touchpoint Marketing: A Study

In this digital world, continuous innovation in marketing is very important to have a competitive advantage. The traditional ways of marketing are no longer effective, but marketers need to build engaging ads to attract customers, which leads to the development of touchpoint marketing. Touchpoint marketing aims to build a contextual customer experience across every online and offline touchpoint. This approach can help in building loyalty and engagement of customers.

Here are some tips to make touchpoint marketing effective:

• Create an emotional customer experience.
• Move from linear marketing to the customer life cycle.
• Shift from personalized campaigns to contextual interactions.

To know more about touch point marketing, read the article link “touchpoint marketing helps you stay connected with customers” by Patrick Tripp (Senior Product Marketing Manager for Adobe Campaign) at: http://www.cmswire.com/cms/digital-marketing/touchpoint-marketing-helps-you-stay-connected-to-customers-029110.php

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Big Data Analytics in Retail

The retail industry is B2C industry. In B2C industry, forecasting and planning future demand and supply is a very important function to improve operation's efficiency. But, consumer behavior is very unpredictable. To analyze this unpredictable behavior, retail stores need to analyze big data. In Consumer Goods Analytics Summit in Chicago, suggestions on applying Big Data Analytics in Retail Industry were discussed. Let’s have a look on some of them:

·        By using big data analytics try to find out actual problem and their solution.

·        Apply analytics in every possible way from making sales report to multi-structured data to understand and improve customer service.

·        Always Interpret big data.

·        Recruit persons who understand the value of data analytics. 

To know more about Big Data Analytics in Retail, read the article link “Are retailers organized for Analytics” by Gib Basset, (Consumer Goods and Retail Industry Principal with Oracle Corp) at: http://www.retailwire.com/news-article/18266/are-retailers-organized-for-analytics

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Tips for making good email campaign

About 85% of the world's population has email accounts and check their email inbox daily. So, email advertising is becoming very important. Email Campaign is the cheapest way of advertising and generates the highest Return on Investment (ROI). Here are some suggestions by Justin Zhu (CEO of Iterable) on creating good a email campaign:
1. Map out the customer flow.
2. Master the balance of building your list, while not asking for too much.
3. Embrace marketing automation.
4. Offer value with every touch.
5. Recognize lapsed users and bring them back.
6. Perpetually tinker with A/B testing.
To know more about these tips, follow: http://thenextweb.com/socialmedia/2015/05/05/the-6-rules-for-creating-killer-email-campaigns/

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