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Relevance of AI in Banking

Artificial Intelligence is a reality today and is impacting our lives in every sphere be it the voice assistant SIRI in our smartphones or the Netflix recommendations we receive. AI is a blend of three advanced technologies- machine learning, natural language processing and cognitive computing. Banking is one industry that has been impacted by AI more than any other. The key application of AI that revolutionizes the banking industry over the last 5 years includes:
1. Anti- Money Laundering (AML) pattern Detection:
2. Chatbots for better customer interaction 24x7.
3. Algorithmic Trading
4. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning algorithms
5. Customer recommendation using recommendation engines
For smaller banks, AI can make a greater impact in differentiating them against intense completion from larger banks where they can benefit from operational efficiency.

 Read more at https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2017/04/5-ai-applications-in-banking-to-look-out-for-in-next-5-years/

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Modern Marketing Strategies

The 4Ps of marketing by Neil H. Borden: Product, Price, Place, Promotion have been the cornerstone for decades. However, technology and innovation have led to just as powerful and as a game-changing new strategy- the new 4Ps of marketing.
Digital marketing has been failing as savvy customer now know how their private data is collected, used and benefits businesses in profiling customers. The new approach consists of the following 4Ps-
1. Permission: Consent for collecting data and being responsible for its usability for building trust.
2. Preferences: Let customer control their marketing channel.
3. Profile: Ask the customer about their preference rather than profiling them which actually hurts the customer.
4. Persona: Allow the customer to tell their own details and needs.
Read more at https://www.digitaldoughnut.com/articles/2017/may/the-new-4p-s-of-marketing

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Artificial Intelligence and Insurance Sector

There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is impacting all walks of life toady-be it driverless cars, automated surgeries, AI robot and more. AI was recently introduced at the Zurich Insurance company for claims handling and it did the magic- saved 40,000 work hours, while speeding the claim processing time to just five seconds. The insurers are now planning to reap the benefits of this technological advancement and expand the use of AI. The days are not far when AI boats will be deployed to help in setting up policies and process insurance claims. The accuracy is expected to increase over time better performance. For a good read, follow the link below: https://eandt.theiet.org/content/articles/2017/05/ai-adopted-by-zurich-insurance-to-assess-personal-injury-claims/


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