
SigmaWay Blog

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Changes in Human Resources

The human resources department is the most valuable part of the organization. In the coming years, there are many changes that are sure to occur. One of them is change in the frequency of feedback, from multiple feedbacks to right feedback at the right time. The reviews of employers must be improve over time, else the employee turnover will gradually increase. Transparency among all levels of the organization must take place, as it is essential for the right working of the organization. The current youth will want more from the organization they will be working in. Read more at: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9383-future-of-hr.html


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All About Contact Center Leader's Skills

Good leadership lies at the center of contact centre services. Customer is always prioritized over personal needs. Diligent coaching seen as one of the most effective methods of service improvement and center operation. It is the real life experience that really matters, irrespective of the amount of text book knowledge applied. Great leaders have the ability to remain calm under pressure. They should be ready to take on situations which are new and unprecedented. They should be business minded and focused on the organization’s objectives. As contact centers are dependent on technology, the leaders should have fluency over tech gadgets. Read more at: https://www.customercontactweekdigital.com/agent-engagement/articles/10-skills-all-great-contact-center-leaders-need


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Data and Government Regulation

Data security is becoming a matter of increasing concern. Guidelines to cover the security is data are needed. Data breaches are being detected but, still classified data are at the risk of being leaked with the current age of data access. Data-driven algorithms have made it easy to control drones from remote areas. Data governance is the need of the hour, in order to regulate the access to different data, and control the extent to which data can be shared. Regulations for data visibility is important as it allows accountability and legitimizes and government laws introduced. Read more at: https://www.theguardian.com/science/political-science/2017/dec/15/data-will-change-the-world-and-we-must-get-its-governance-right


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Chatbot Effectiveness and Efficiency

Chatbots are proving to be far more effective than people had thought of. They are acting as a personal assistant without any additional needs. They are completely virtual so they don’t need any physical space. They are great tool for gathering and processing feedback from customers and other parties involved. They even provide latest news, and reminders set by the user. They are very user friendly. In process automation, chatbots play a big role. Along with a feedback system, they even act as a research system, providing data on what customers require. Chatbots are easy to create and establish. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/303554


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New Digital Marketing Trends

Digital marketing has become a possibility and now they are being measured in terms of magnitude. There is a constant change in the digital marketing trends. Mobile phones have become a key part of our daily lives, so businesses have to take care of the mobile element of their business. Chatbots are also taking place in the world of technology. A new emerging trend is of Everything Videos. These are videos which contain description of everything that the customer would want to know. Companies take to social media platforms to engage in one to one chat with customers. Marketing is also done via influencers who have considerable level of influence over people. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/305549


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Email Marketing myths

Email marketing has been on the rise lately. There are few email marketing myths that are absolutely untrue. There is no single good day to send marketing emails. Unsubscribers are not a bad news. It gives a chance to the company to further tailor the message as per the target market. Email marketing does not take much time and is not an expensive proposition. The biggest myth that no one actually reads the mails is simply a incorrect. Research has shown that a majority of people do read the emails.  Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/305948


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Potential of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is under the radar for many years now. At the UN Summits, it is a hot topic. There are heavy investments renewable energy recently due to its expanding potential. The costs of such equipment are lower than ever before. Many companies are also expanding in this direction. Electricity generation is more reliant on wind, solar and tidal sources. New Power Purchase Agreements and replacing the old systems. With increasing supply, the storage for electric charge is being done in lithium ion batteries. Read more at : https://www.nrdc.org/experts/sneha-ayyagari/three-reasons-why-renewable-energy-leaders-are-optimistic


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Recovering from Burnout

Burnouts can leave you physically weak, cynical and ineffective. They can make you doubt everything in life. But, there is a way to recover from burnouts. Instead of being in the victim seat, taking the seat of responsibility can bring more control over life. Mental state of burnout can take a toll of your happiness. More sleep will be needed and taking small steps of change will go a long way in the recovery. Setting boundaries and thinking bigger will help more than it seems to. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/12/to-recover-from-burnout-regain-your-sense-of-control


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Quantum Computing Techniques

Artificial intelligence is finding new ways of computing. Quantum computing is taking its roots. One of its technique is to use quantum neurons to copy the system of the brain at extremely low temperatures to undertake computing tasks. In the method of computing with wires, the circuits are being packed into more smaller units for computing. Solutions of chemicals are being made to compute at nano-tech level. Silicon chip boards are the traditional method of computing, but they have the problem of heating of chip packages and circuit boards. Read more at: https://spectrum.ieee.org/nanoclast/computing/hardware/4-strange-new-ways-to-make-a-computer


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Travel Call Center and Its Importance

With people on the move all the time, it is beneficial for companies to have travel contact centers. People now prefer tickets booked over calls, instead of waiting in long queues. If companies have the knowledge of the needs of customers helps in doing the needed research and brining in, the needed technological advancements for the setup. Big Data provides an added leverage for the required data. One can personalize consumer experience for a better one on one experience. The calls for sales should be made keeping in mind the customer’s time.  Employees should be educated to ensure that they have the needed skills and technical knowhow to manage the tasks. Read more at: https://www.ameyo.com/blog/how-to-build-a-travel-contact-center


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Self-Driving Cars' Safety

In the vision of some leaders, self driving cars are considered to be more safer are intend to bring more order in the driving system. People have doubts about the pace at which such developments are taking place, while sill the majority prefer to drive the car on their own. Countries are passing laws to constrain the number of self driven cars on road. Still some conflicts and queries remain to be addressed in this regard. Transportation services provided by companies might cause a reduction in the number of cars sold. Self driven cars might reduce the population in main cities and shift it to outer regions. Read more at: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/14/opinion/self-driving-cars.html


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All About User Experience and Customer Experience

Proper call centers must have an efficient balance between customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX). UX is the experience with the product, while CX is the review of the interaction with the brand. UX is a subset of CX. CX envelopes a wider scope of experiences. A bad UX with a good CX can be seen as a good experience overall, but a bad CX and a good UX is seen as a bad experience. Despite covering wider area, CX has some dependence on UX as well. Firms should aim at optimum CX, involving best UX via its services. Read more at: https://www.ameyo.com/blog/building-a-modern-day-contact-center-where-ux-meets-cx


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Social media campaigning

Social media is not much of a money minting way. Such campaigns can be set up free of cost but of big results, there should be some expenditure for good results. Proper planning and strategizing must be done before posts are made on the websites. Having a consistent volume of data posted is of utmost importance. Being an active user can attract a bigger volume of potential clients towards your business. There is no such thing as something for nothing. Without providing value to customers, there will not be profits to the business.  Approaching people at a personal level makes a lot of difference.  Engaging content draws the non-attentive followers to pay attention to the firm.  Read more at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2017/10/05/the-10-factors-that-will-make-your-social-media-marketing-campaign-profitable/#ebb863f66976


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Healthcare Application

Healthcare application is in increasing demand due to its ease in use and portability. Developers try to ensure that the applications are precisely goal oriented. These apps are developed in a short time frame so that they may be tested and put to use, however there is no certainty that the apps will develop quickly. Electronic health record compatibility is a challenge as these might not be updated, or it might not integrate properly with the application. This challenge can be solved by backend as a service(BaaS). BaaS allows the developers to connect the frontend applications with backend data, so eliminating the challenge. Read more at: https://hitinfrastructure.com/news/what-are-benefits-of-healthcare-application-backend-as-a-service


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Social media branding tools

In the current world, social media can be a massive tool for business expansion. Choosing the right network brings the business in the required lime light which helps in making the brand known. Visual images and graphics are an indispensable tool for catching attention. Staying consistent in connecting with the customers at a social level brings the business to the forefront. it is equally important to highlight the main business of the organization and be consistent in sharing content. Organizations should make full use of the profile box on social media sights. Self-promotion is a must for firms, and trying to be major on a few platforms is better than being minor on multiple. Read more at: https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-branding/


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Portable deep-learning AI

Recent technology advances have enabled Artificial Intelligence (AI) to work independent of any network connections, fitting it in compact devices. Deep-learning AI processes data like a human brain, using elements like memory. Such AI is adaptive to the conditions in which it is put, thus enhancing continuously. They come with their own virtual assistant voice, which makes them much more cost efficient. Results from the evolving deep-learning AI has left the users amazed by the results they get. Deep-learning AI seems to have no end to its evolutionary capacity. Read more at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/11/171114091305.htm


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