
SigmaWay Blog

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Love to play with Big Data and Analytics, pursuing MBA from IBS,Kolkata, currently doing internship under Sigmaway LLC.

Microservers: What you need to know

Businesses don't want a machine that can do everything reasonably well. But, they want a computer that excels at specific tasks. Businesses are being experimented with clusters of high-density and low-power servers known as microservers. These microservers are suited to the growing workloads found inside modern datacenters. The quantifiable nature of workloads allows microserver circuitry to be paired back to what's needed to execute these tasks. To know more on the microservers, go through the article by Nick Heath, chief reporter for TechRepublic UK.


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What skills do companies really want on their big data team?

Many companies are trying to figure out how to make the best use of big data and which skills are most needed when trying to get useful business insights out of unstructured data. With hard technical skills, managers are also looking for some more unexpected skills too. Creativity, developer background, business intelligence expertise, data science expertise are some of the important skills which a manager looks for. To know more on this, go through the article by Colin Barker, senior reporter for ZDNet.


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SAP acquires SeeWhy, eyes targeted marketing

SAP will use SeeWhy's behavior-based marketing muscle to flesh out the Swiss e-commerce platform Hyrbis that it acquired last year. The campaign strategy will be 1:1, because 1-to-1 marketing campaigns are driven by the behavior of individual visitors and the real time context of what shoppersa are doing. To know more on this, go through the article by Natalie Gagliordi, a ZDNet staff writer based in Louisville, Kentucky.


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Security's future belongs to open source

Does the future of security belongs to open source? It is not a topic of debate. It is the truth that nowadays the worlds runs on Linux and open source software. But on average, open-source programming is the best way to prevent security troubles. To know more about this, go through the article by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, writer about technology and the business of technology.


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The new digital customer journey: Cross-channel, mobile, social, self-service, and engaged

The sheer proliferation of new online devices and digital consumer channels is pushing leading-edge companies to rethink how they connect and engage their customers. Connection between business and customers in digital channels is known as customer journey. An integrated portfolio of technologies including self-service mobile apps, customer communities and open product development can reshape today's customer journey. To know more about the change in customer journey, go through the article by Dion Hinchcliffe, expert in information technology, business strategy and next-generation enterprises.


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Do CIOs Need Passion To Succeed? Analysts Debate

Chief Information Officer of any organization should realise the change in technology and making enterprise software attractive should be the part of their strategy. Strong, responsive, high-energy, customer-focused service is what delivers value and makes a company attractive and this is being enabled by the digital transformation. To know more about the points which CIO should keep in mind while entering the digital age, go through the article by Vala Afshar, Chief Marketing Officer of Extreme Networks.


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Saving the dry, lifeless soul of enterprise software

Nowadays large suppliers are improving their products while making them easier to implement and simpler for users to adopt. Cloud computing has totally changed the enterprise environment. To know more on the transition of enterprise software, go through the article by Michael Krigsman, analyst, strategy advisor, enterprise advocate.


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The digital workplace 2014: Plight and promise of today's employees

Nowadays technology has thoroughly engulfed the workplace. Its strategic adoption and meaningful application by the typical worker is just the beginning. The shape of digital workplace will change in recent days. To know the change of the digital workplace, go through the article by Dion Hinchcliffe, an expert in information technology, business strategy and next-generation enterprises.


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KernelCare: New no-reboot Linux patching system

In a Linux system rebooting is not needed frequently. Cloud Linux's new programme KernelCare solves the problem of rebooting the machines while a security patch is added. CloudLinux claims that kernel Care gives orgaisations real time updates. KernelCare is a combination of both open source, a Linux kernel model, and proprietary software. To know more about KernelCare, go through the article by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, writer about technology and the business of technology.


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Docker ported into Hadoop as benchmarks show SCREAMING FAST performance

Docker is an open source Linux containerization technology which lets an admin run multiple apps with all their dependencies in secure sandboxes on the same underlying Linux OS. It makes an attractive alternative to typical virtualization. Hadoop community is working on patches that will bring Docker into the data management system. To know more, go through the article by Jack Clark, World's only Distributed Systems Reporter.


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Tesora, Database as a Service, and OpenStack Trove

OpenStack released the latest version, Icehouse, the concept of Database as a Service (DBaaS). Tesora's goal is to help organizations to create and deploy database-based OpenStack applications who don't have a great deal of expertise with database administration.  The focus is to make database just another service rather than a central focus. To know more on OpenStack Icehouse, go through the article by Daniel Kusnetzky, a reformed software engineer and product manager.


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The human element is critical in applying big data

Human element plays an important role in successful application of big data.  Companies mainly focus on the tools (like Hadoop), using the R language, MongoDB and a few others.  But, it is also very important to understand what kind of data is available, what kind of data is needed and what role an expertise in computer science and applications, modeling, statistics, analytics play. Very often single source of big data leads to incorrect conclusion. So, human power is very much needed. To know more on this topic, go through the article link by Daniel Kusnetzky (a reformed software engineer and product manager):


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Ford scours for more big data to bolster quality, improve manufacturing, streamline processes

Big data analytics is a strong process to enrich any business process. Ford automobile company is applying big data analytics to improve their business. In doing so, they polish the metrics from the company's best processes across myriad manufacturing efforts and through detailed outputs from in-use automobiles-- all to improve and help transform their business. Big data is allowing deeper insights in improving processes, quality control, and customer satisfaction. To know more on this topic, go through the article by Dana Gardner, president and principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions.


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Red Hat forges Hortonworks engineering pact, ties storage into OpenStack

Red Hat outlined engineering partnership with Hortonworks to collaborate on enabling more storage file systems. The integration allows Hadoop to run directly on a POSIX(Portable Operating System Interface)-compliant storage node. The two companies will create test suites to validate compatibility between Hadoop and alternative file systems, which will be contributed to the open source community. To know more on this, go through the article by Larry Dignan, Editor in Chief of ZDNet and SmartPlanet as well as Editorial Director of ZDNet's sister site TechRepublic.


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Red Hat throws its hat into the Big Data ring

Red Hat has gathered a selection of open source software to create a Big Data development and deployment environment. It announced a software stack which includes Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Storage, a Hadoop plug-in allowing Hadoop to process data stored using Red Hat Storage, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization etc. The company has thrown its hat into the ring to compete with and cooperate with many in the Hadoop community. To know more on this, go through the article by Daniel Kusnetzky, a reformed software engineer and product manager.


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Red Hat's Big Data strategy: A full stack approach

Open source software and infrastructure provider Red Hat announced its Big Data strategy. To know about big data strategy in details, go through the article by Andrew J. Brust, entrepreneur and CTO, specializing in application development, databases and business intelligence technology.


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Red Hat releases new cloud-friendly Red Hat Storage

Red Hat announced the availability of Red Hat Storage Server (RHSS) to help its enterprise customers. This latest release, RHSS 2.1, combines Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.4 with the latest GlusterFS community release, oVirt, the open source virtualization platform, and XFS File System to deliver open software-defined storage. To know more about its features, go through the link below:


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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 beta arrives

Red hat has released its latest version of Linux distribution, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 beta (RHEL). This edition extends the operating system's scalability and manageability to aid in the build-out and control of complex IT environments and it has been designed to simplify the operation of mission-critical SAP applications by automating the optimal configuration of common SAP deployments. To know more on areas where RHEL can be applied successfully, go through Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols's article link:


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Apache Cassandra gets in-memory option with DataStax Enterprise 4.0

Datastax has updated its Apache Cassandra-based NoSQL database. An in-memory computing feature is added to increase the performance of online applications. DataStax Enterprise 4.0 includes improved search, an updated version of the OpsCenter visual monitoring tool, and certified Cassandra 2.0. Performance benchmarks conducted by DataStax on the in-memory feature show significant improvements in speed. To know more on this topic go through the article by Toby Wolpe, senior reporter at ZDNet in London:


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Cloud adoption among Indian SMBs to soar

Small and midsize businesses(SMB) are going to play a major role in India in the coming days. Adoption of social, media, analytics and cloud(SMAC) in SMBs will not only increase the number of new customers but also raise efficiency. According to a report by EY and Assocham, the number of SMBs adopting cloud computing will increase highly. To know more on this topic, please go through the article link by Eileen Yu, a freelance blogger and content specialist.


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