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Apache Arrow: A New Big Data Open Source Project

Apache Arrow, a new open source project, is designed to provide high performance in-memory analytics across different systems. It eliminates cross system communication overhead cost and can improve performance 100 times. It is based on the code of Apache Drill. Developers from other Apache projects. It removes the burden of serialization and deserialization of data. It also supports complex data in addition to relational data. Read the complete article here: http://www.cio.com/article/3034279/big-data-gets-a-new-open-source-project-apache-arrow.html

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Open Source The New Trend

Most companies are deriving benefits from open source software's, as numbers of programmers and developers are provided access to the source code. This has helped employees gain domain expertise through collaboration. Open source brings higher visibility and better business opportunities. The reasons for growing prominence are:
1. Intellectual property concerns no more hindering the use of open source.
2. Enhancing reach and learning of the community by diversity of thought and better technique.
3. Providing better opportunities for interoperability between competing firms.
4. Increase analytics penetration.
5. Demonstrating technical ability, where ability to think innovatively can be measured by a potential customer.
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Open Source Software: An Insight

For start-ups and SMEs, Open Source (OS) software will be the most attractive option because it’s free and also there is no vendor lock in. So there are no contracts to break. The biggest advantage of OS software is that is gives us the option of operating, sharing, and modifying the software as we choose. Collaborators are able to access the software from around the world to share ideas and add features that could improve it. Its drawbacks involves low costs, which gets further complicated by a lack of support with OS software. Lyndsay notes four questions that needs to be answered in Wise’s book, Using Open Source Platforms for Business Intelligence: Avoid Pitfalls and Maximize ROI. Read more about this article at: http://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/is-open-source-analytics-software-the-right-option 

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Points to consider while choosing Content Management System

Content Management System (CMS) is an important part of success of any corporate website. But, to choose CMS is a difficult task. Here are five points we can consider while choosing a CMS for an organization. 1. Open Source vs. Proprietary. 2. Know Your Business and Technical Requirements. 3. Editing and Workflow Functionality 4. Customization Support 5. Social Community Support. To know more about the above points, follow Will Kelly (technical writer and analyst focusing on enterprise mobility and analyst at Studio B)’s article link: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-things-to-consider-when-selecting-a-cms-62901



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Top three big data trends


Big Data analytic has the ability to improve business strategy leading to the identification, provide unprecedented insights and utilize untapped profit sources. The top Big Data trends that emerged in 2013 are Open Source, Convergence and Cloud Data. Companies have to synthesize analytic results across domains and work to produce holistic insights in order to achieve the maximum benefits. A variety of new and complex sources of data, extracting tools and new data mining have been introduced specifically designed to handle disparate sources of data. These systems can interact intelligently; minimize data movement and share data and/or analytic results between components. Overall analysis efficiency has been given a boost and producing better returns. Big Data analytic is based on the open source revolution and the adoption rate of open source technologies. Companies are increasing their overall spend on cloud infrastructure. The intersection of analytic and cloud is creating new value and means for Big Data exploitation. Read more at: 

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Open source v/s home grown source as CRM

A clear marketing plan and prior knowledge about your customer and the sales process is necessary before using any Customer Relationship Management(CRM). CRM is affordable and simple for organizing your primary market structure. Without having proper details about the customer's past and present status it is quite difficult to serve and approach them. A customer relationship management allows accessing such information about one's customers and enhances sales for future business. Advancement in technology keeps access to customers always high whether we have open source package or home grown CRM.  Defining  your business customers through information is rampant in the internet and then organizing and referencing it lets us achieve our sales goal irrespective of which particular CRM plan we use. Read more at: http://journalstar.com/business/local/small-talk-establish-marketing-plan-before-choosing-crm-service/article_e330e485-9637-5758-9ee5-d9657514867e.html

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Red Hat forges Hortonworks engineering pact, ties storage into OpenStack

Red Hat outlined engineering partnership with Hortonworks to collaborate on enabling more storage file systems. The integration allows Hadoop to run directly on a POSIX(Portable Operating System Interface)-compliant storage node. The two companies will create test suites to validate compatibility between Hadoop and alternative file systems, which will be contributed to the open source community. To know more on this, go through the article by Larry Dignan, Editor in Chief of ZDNet and SmartPlanet as well as Editorial Director of ZDNet's sister site TechRepublic.


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Heartbleed: Open source's worst hour

Heartbleed is an open source bug. It is the biggest failure in open source software till date. An OpenSSL programming mistake opened a security hole in a program that affected hundreds of millions of websites, who relied upon it for their fundamental security. A programming blunder enabled attackers to pull down 64k chunks of "secure" server memory. The open source method remains as good as ever when used correctly.

To read the article by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, experienced writer of technology and business of technology, follow http://www.zdnet.com/heartbleed-open-sources-worst-hour-7000028420/



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