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Fuzzy logic, Wearable and Big Data

Imagine your treadmill turning into a wonder machine which knows your fitness goals, takes inputs from you every morning and then suggests the best workout for you. Seems too good to be true. But not that dreamy for Sunil Koduri CEO of Zsolutionz, who believes that fuzzy logic will lie at the helm of realizing this dream. In simple words, fuzzy logic deals with approximate rather than exact reasoning and is most useful where computers are required to make decisions like human. Mr. Koduri, in his special guest feature in Inside Big data talks about how fuzzy logic technology can combine with the huge data generated by wearables to provide personalized fitness experience. No stopping here, all this data from wearables, health history information, and cloud data can be combined to create a huge ecosystem which is user centric to enhance user experience and also keep the healthcare providers in loop. To read the original piece of article, follow the link http://insidebigdata.com/2015/01/12/fuzzy-logic-key-connected-health/

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Top three big data trends


Big Data analytic has the ability to improve business strategy leading to the identification, provide unprecedented insights and utilize untapped profit sources. The top Big Data trends that emerged in 2013 are Open Source, Convergence and Cloud Data. Companies have to synthesize analytic results across domains and work to produce holistic insights in order to achieve the maximum benefits. A variety of new and complex sources of data, extracting tools and new data mining have been introduced specifically designed to handle disparate sources of data. These systems can interact intelligently; minimize data movement and share data and/or analytic results between components. Overall analysis efficiency has been given a boost and producing better returns. Big Data analytic is based on the open source revolution and the adoption rate of open source technologies. Companies are increasing their overall spend on cloud infrastructure. The intersection of analytic and cloud is creating new value and means for Big Data exploitation. Read more at: 

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Growing Rage of Cloud Data Centers

Cloud data centers are capable of handling higher traffic loads whereas traditional data centers are facing various challenges in terms of confluence of capacity, performance and infrastructure complexity due to the data explosion and rising need for scalability. The traditional incremental approach will no longer offer the scalability to face the challenges that are unavoidable in cloud computing. To overcome the challenges, the transition of data centers involves end-to-end transformation of servers, storage and networks has become a necessity. Cloud data centers support greater degree of standardization, virtualization and automation resulting in high performance and cost optimization. Mid-sized and large data centers are growing considerably attributed to huge cloud storage deployments and build-out of public cloud offerings. Investments are pouring from various vendor segments into the data center markets due to these changes. There is an industry trend where almost all cloud service providers are establishing two or more data centers in high economic and advanced zones near major metropolitan cities. Consequently, cloud data centers are clustering around major internet hubs in the world. Read more at: 


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