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Where to look for a data center- a farm or a city?

Google, Amazon, and Apple all are tech giants. But apart from being this, they also have one more thing common and that is they all have their data center in rural areas. But this is more of an exception than a rule. Most data centers are located in or close to a city. These giants have done this due to the cheaper rate of lands available in rural areas. But these places lack good telecommunications and power infrastructure. Moreover, there are enough facilities to attract right human capital to such places. It’s better to have a data center in a city than a village. Read the complete article here:  http://www.cio.com/article/3036080/data-center/cities-not-cornfields-draw-data-centers.html

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Time to upgrade your data centers.

90% of the world's data has been generated over the last two years, according to the reports. With this increasing amount of data it is necessary for the organizations to upgrade the data centres. In order to cope up with the emerging technologies, data modernization is very important. Those still stuck to the old ways are at a loss. Data Oganization done in a proper way gives way to crucial insights. This doesn't mean only adding more servers, but finding a solution that takes care of economic conditions, technical aspects, people and the processes involved. Cloud based platforms are of great help and with increased automation of technology, data centers can reduce the repetition of the mundane tasks. Read more at: http://www.information-age.com/technology/data-centre-and-it-infrastructure/123460849/why-all-industries-should-consider-modernising-their-data-centres

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How companies protect business continuity for VoIP

Companies rely on a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system to communicate, but, a power failure or Internet outage can result in lost revenue and productivity. The causes of a VoIP outage can range from a loss of power in a data center to glitches in Internet connectivity. It’s impossible to avoid outages, but there are steps enterprises can take to ensure business continuity. Read more about how companies protect business continuity for VoIP at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/protecting-business-continuity-for-voip-70989



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Growing Rage of Cloud Data Centers

Cloud data centers are capable of handling higher traffic loads whereas traditional data centers are facing various challenges in terms of confluence of capacity, performance and infrastructure complexity due to the data explosion and rising need for scalability. The traditional incremental approach will no longer offer the scalability to face the challenges that are unavoidable in cloud computing. To overcome the challenges, the transition of data centers involves end-to-end transformation of servers, storage and networks has become a necessity. Cloud data centers support greater degree of standardization, virtualization and automation resulting in high performance and cost optimization. Mid-sized and large data centers are growing considerably attributed to huge cloud storage deployments and build-out of public cloud offerings. Investments are pouring from various vendor segments into the data center markets due to these changes. There is an industry trend where almost all cloud service providers are establishing two or more data centers in high economic and advanced zones near major metropolitan cities. Consequently, cloud data centers are clustering around major internet hubs in the world. Read more at: 


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Virtualization driving growth for data center in Europe

In an article written by Daniel Price, author at cloudtweaks.com, we come to know how virtualization is helping in the growth of data centers in Europe. The top three reasons for which catapulted the growth of datacenters in Europe were storage growth, business expansion and virtualization. The datacenter market in United Kingdom is expected to grow the most in coming five years. According to a top placed IT executive, the growth can be mainly attributed due to basic change in idea that datacenters are revenue centers and not cost centers and the other reason being that virtualization helps in reducing physical hardware to the minimum.

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Data centers as commodity

An article by Nick Razey, Co-founder and CEO of Next Generation Data, talks about the value in the IT chain that will migrate to the cloud providers leaving data centers to earn meagre commodity margins. A good data center service also needs well trained staff and embedded policies and procedures.  These parameters directly affect both the quality of the product and its price. For customers, the cost of transition from one data center to another is so high that they will not move their IT overnight if a new, better and cheaper option comes along. Instead they will wait for a natural break such as a technology refresh (and/or the end of a contract) before moving. As a result there are already hundreds (maybe thousands) of cloud service providers and more are emerging every day. Ironically it may be that cloud services are the next commodity and cloud providers will see their margins competed away while data centers remain relatively unaffected by the new IT world.



To know more visit http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2014/may/07/could-we-have-data-centres-commodity/ 

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