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Data centers as commodity

An article by Nick Razey, Co-founder and CEO of Next Generation Data, talks about the value in the IT chain that will migrate to the cloud providers leaving data centers to earn meagre commodity margins. A good data center service also needs well trained staff and embedded policies and procedures.  These parameters directly affect both the quality of the product and its price. For customers, the cost of transition from one data center to another is so high that they will not move their IT overnight if a new, better and cheaper option comes along. Instead they will wait for a natural break such as a technology refresh (and/or the end of a contract) before moving. As a result there are already hundreds (maybe thousands) of cloud service providers and more are emerging every day. Ironically it may be that cloud services are the next commodity and cloud providers will see their margins competed away while data centers remain relatively unaffected by the new IT world.



To know more visit http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2014/may/07/could-we-have-data-centres-commodity/ 

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Insurance industry: adopting cloud technology

The concept of transferring an existing platform to the cloud appears to have many businesses stumped, including those in the insurance industry. Cloud service providers like Microsoft, Oracle and VMware are not going to wait for the insurance company to make up their mind about it. So by the time they do, they could be restricted to having their data still on old hardware systems. But if the insurance industries do not move soon in enough into the cloud - whether that's adopting a private, public or hybrid model, there could be repercussions in the future as everybody could be worse off and face higher costs and risks of running old systems, and being noncompetitive.



 To gather more information about this aspect, follow Aimee Chanthadavong, tech journalist with ZDNet's, article link http://www.zdnet.com/insurance-industry-under-pressure-to-plug-into-the-cloud-7000026920/

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Cloud computing: managing contractual risks

An article by Ryang Huang, Editor at ZDNet's Asia/Singapore, conveys that there will be both practical and commercial risks when choosing a cloud service which can be mitigated by focusing on the service contract. He also mentioned that the service contract must enable organizations to comply with their own obligations. Also, the service contract should include a plan detailing the steps to be taken on exit and how data will be extracted from the vendor. As cloud services may involve the use of software and other intellectual property rights under a license, organizations could be dragged into a legal dispute in the event of third party claims of infringement against the cloud service provider.



To gather better insights in this aspect follow http://www.zdnet.com/how-to-manage-contractual-risks-in-cloud-computing-7000027568/ 

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Data security in the cloud

The rapid rate of cloud adoption has given rise to the natural necessity to have some data generated live on cloud-based platforms. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is assuming that once you are managed by a hosting provider or other cloud-based platform company, the inbuilt security features will provide everything you need from a data safety perspective. Depending on the cloud service provider or managed service provider you use, you can expect scalability and flexibility to be built into the system so that you don't miss out on the cloud's ability to quickly respond to changes in demand. Having the technical skills in-house is just as important as finding the outsourced technical expertise that will enable a greater degree of secure infrastructure planning.


To know more visit the article at http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/blog-hub/2013/nov/19/the-reality-of-data-security-in-the-cloud/

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How to select the right cloud service provider for your business?

In recent times, if you have surfed internet, then you have probably come across cloud computing. Due to its benefits like mobility, cost advantage, etc. companies are switching rapidly to cloud environment from existing on premise platforms. With Big Data in forefront, the usage of cloud computing has spurted.

To win the heart of prospective customers, cloud based IT service providers have started to offer cloud services and at present, a stiff competition is going on between them. Surrounded by this fierce competition, you may become confused about choosing the right type of cloud service provider for your organization, since it comes at a cost. Whether you are a technology chief, a business owner or alike, while selecting your cloud service provider, you should ensure that its potential benefits are in tune with your business objectives. For that, it is a must that you should ask some critical questions about the architecture and management of the service being considered.

So, what are the areas that you should consider while framing up the questions before you actually avail the services from a cloud service provider? Read them at http://www.zdnet.com/key-questions-when-selecting-a-cloud-based-provider-7000027391/ to know.

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AWS increasingly isolated as least green cloud!

According to a recent research report “Clicking Clean: How Companies are Creating the Green Internet” by Greenpeace, most of the enterprise cloud service providers are powering their services with renewable energy sources. However, the cloud giant AWS received lowest grades on energy transparency, renewable energy commitments, energy efficiency initiatives, deployment and advocacy in the report. AWS, which has more than 50 % of market share over the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) market in North America and Europe, seems to be lagging behind other major cloud providers in terms of its use of green energy sources to power its data centres. According to the report, AWS “remains among the dirtiest and least transparent companies in the sector, far behind its major competitors, with zero reporting of its energy or environmental footprint to any source or stakeholder.”

To read more, visit the following link:


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Nitin Sinha
thats the other side of the story. yu lukd into that. gracious
Sunday, 20 April 2014 07:35
11863 Hits
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