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Data security in the cloud

The rapid rate of cloud adoption has given rise to the natural necessity to have some data generated live on cloud-based platforms. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is assuming that once you are managed by a hosting provider or other cloud-based platform company, the inbuilt security features will provide everything you need from a data safety perspective. Depending on the cloud service provider or managed service provider you use, you can expect scalability and flexibility to be built into the system so that you don't miss out on the cloud's ability to quickly respond to changes in demand. Having the technical skills in-house is just as important as finding the outsourced technical expertise that will enable a greater degree of secure infrastructure planning.


To know more visit the article at http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/blog-hub/2013/nov/19/the-reality-of-data-security-in-the-cloud/

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