
SigmaWay Blog

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Intern at Sigmaway LLC, pursuing MBA in Finance from Icfai Business School. Interested in latest technology and analytics.

Cloud computing: Are we on the verge of explosion?

In the modern era a device which is not connected to the cloud just cannot complete the scenario. Today’s consumers seek a more optimized experience across their phone, tablet and PC and the combined power of Microsoft devices and services provides the best experience they can have today across all these.


To gather more insight read the article by James Bourne, Technology journalist, follow http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2014/may/08/cloud-computing-india-are-we-verge-explosion/  

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Great customer service is not about being perfect

An article by Sue Cockburn, Founder of Growing Social Biz, conveys that it's not that the customer is always right. They're not. But, they need to see us owning the problem when they believe they are right. Arguing to prove we are right and they are wrong may allow us to win the battle, but we'll likely lose the client. Clients deserve the benefit of the doubt. Maybe sometimes we'll be taken advantage of and sometimes we won't be able to fix mistakes or won't be able to take responsibility for something that is very clearly customer error and possibly not fixable. Keeping the customers we have and building on that base is much more cost effective than gaining new customers while existing ones stream out the back door!


To know more visit http://socialmediatoday.com/suecockburn/2428621/great-customer-service-not-about-being-perfect



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Why are proactive marketing strategies so effective?

When a company reaches out to someone, it shows that the individual is valued. By taking initiative to include an individual, the company makes itself stand out as an entity to be liked because people tend to like those that like them back. On the flip side, proactive marketing strategies are a win for leaders of companies because it means taking charge of the futures of their companies. Companies develop strategies to reach out to relevant people and acquire a fan base. Being proactive is ultimately a winning situation on both sides because not only can companies take charge of their image and client base, a customer is satisfied as well because they feel valued.


 To gather more insight read the article by Anqi Cong, student at Carnegie Mellon University, follow http://socialmediatoday.com/anqicong/2421436/why-are-proactive-marketing-strategies-so-effective

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How social business grew up?

An article by Dion Hinchcliffe, Information Technology expert, talks about the deep application to organizations that made social media such a potent and popular way of communicating globally. This involves raising awareness, educating leadership, trying to figure out what department should be in charge of social business, rethinking business processes in a much more fragmented yet connected operating environment, acquiring budget as social business operations grow, measuring results, and so on. Social business has become a more powerful and effective way of operating. But it must mature to grow its relevance and effectiveness as it's situated within the realities of the contemporary organization.



To gather better insights follow http://www.zdnet.com/how-social-business-grew-up-7000029450/

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Social media advocacy: nurturing from inside

An article by Matthew Peneycad, advertising agency expert in social media, conveys that on social media, advocates can greatly enrich the experience of your community, contribute to the promotion and dissemination of your content, alleviate demands on your customer service team, expose key insights that can be applied to your business planning and strategy, and provide broader exposure for your organization across the social web. They can provide meaningful input, ask interesting questions and provide responses to audience members. Through their personal social listening and activity in various social networks and communities, they can expose insights that otherwise would be of great challenge to identify and substantiate.



To know more visit http://socialmediatoday.com/rgbsocial/2422351/nurturing-social-media-advocacy-inside-out  

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How to increase brand loyalty?

The defining feature of the millennial generation is technology. The millennial generation is very crucial while building a loyal customer base. The key question is how to increase millennial brand loyalty. An article by Anqi Cong, student at Carnegie Mellon University, talks about some do's regarding increasing brand loyalty.



To know in details visithttp://socialmediatoday.com/anqicong/2421456/how-increase-millennials-brand-loyalty  

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6044 Hits

Data centers as commodity

An article by Nick Razey, Co-founder and CEO of Next Generation Data, talks about the value in the IT chain that will migrate to the cloud providers leaving data centers to earn meagre commodity margins. A good data center service also needs well trained staff and embedded policies and procedures.  These parameters directly affect both the quality of the product and its price. For customers, the cost of transition from one data center to another is so high that they will not move their IT overnight if a new, better and cheaper option comes along. Instead they will wait for a natural break such as a technology refresh (and/or the end of a contract) before moving. As a result there are already hundreds (maybe thousands) of cloud service providers and more are emerging every day. Ironically it may be that cloud services are the next commodity and cloud providers will see their margins competed away while data centers remain relatively unaffected by the new IT world.



To know more visit http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2014/may/07/could-we-have-data-centres-commodity/ 

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6891 Hits

Social media: ways to reduce exhaustion

An article by Rob Sutter, Writer & SEO Specialist of fishbat, conveys that even those who are passionate about social media can become exhausted if it is used too much. You start to feel less like a human and more like a robot. He mentioned about five different methods to reduce social media exhaustion in order to keep you from growing tired and drifting away from this platform entirely. To know in details about the various methods visit the article at


To know in details about the various methods visit the article at http://socialmediatoday.com/rob-sutter/2424421/5-ways-reduce-social-media-exhaustion



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The worst mistakes for businesses

An article by Brennan Girdler, Associate writer and editor of Chic Marketing, talks about the worst mistake a company can make is - assuming it can handle content marketing. Businesses need to set out on social media with the expectation to reach new customers. Without realizing this goal, a dull business page will likely fall into obscurity and the employee responsible for updating it will stop trying. Social media is a healthy way to communicate with consumers, professionals, and other businesses. While setting out to become big-hitters on a platform, businesses often run the risk of saying the wrong thing. If you're unsure how to approach Facebook, blogging, or website content, find someone who does. Don't bet on the long shot and suffer the consequences.



To know more visithttp://socialmediatoday.com/brennangirdler/2425231/worst-mistake-ever-businesses 

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Social enterprise: realigning with disruptive technology

An article by Candida McCollam, owner of Localspeak, conveys that as demand for integrating social media intelligence into the ecosystem of companies grows, human data has become the new currency. Companies have not only seen the correlation between growing brand loyalty through employee advocacy programs, but significantly, also see high returns on the value of adopting new social intelligence collaboration tools. He also mentioned some of the potential use cases among the cross-vertical implications. The article also talks about emphasizing the need for disruptive technology and tools that deepen organizational collaboration and thereby, elevate customer experience and brand loyalty. Combined with a holistic social media strategy and leadership, enterprise shared analytics equips brand product teams throughout the organization to collaborate creatively and compete intelligently.


To know in details visit http://socialmediatoday.com/localspeak/2394696/social-enterprise-realigning-disruptive-technology



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Big data: Transforming travel industry

An article by Brian Honigman, Digital Marketing Executive at Marc Ecko Enterprises and a social media specialist, conveys that while big data is a challenge for many organizations, it is one of the key factors that drive the evolution of the travel industry. Travel companies can make better decisions based on the data aggregated from their customers to personalize services like travel booking for an easier navigation. Big data can help travel companies understand the ongoing requests of their customer base and identify patterns in consumer behavior to determine offerings they may want in future.


To know more visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/centurylink/2014/04/30/how-big-data-is-transforming-the-travel-industry/



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Social media: Influencing on the Legal Realm

An article by Kayla Minguez, Jr. Online PR Specialist of WebpageFX, conveys that there are certain ethical boundaries that define the law industry and some people may argue social media hasn't exactly made ethical dilemmas easy to solve. This article also tells us about how social media has impacted legal proceedings, and what that means for legal experts or even members of a jury.


To know more visithttp://socialmediatoday.com/kayla-minguez/2410876/social-media-and-its-influence-legal-realm



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Social media marketing: optimizing search ranking

An article by Jason Bowden, Chief Warrior at Digital-Warriors, conveys that there are many social media marketing tools that you can use in order to escalate your SEO campaigns for better search ranking. Social media SEO has become an important element in every marketer's digital marketing funnel. Writing good content is not good enough to benefit your business with maximum exposure online. Without using the social media search engine optimization process you will unlikely reach a wider audience for your content.  It is a must to integrate social media SEO if you want to get maximum exposure of your business with better lead generation and conversion results. The more you can encourage your website visitors to share your business across the social media channels the better exposure your business gets. Optimizing your images for SEO can benefit your digital marketing campaigns. Getting a feedback from your SEO performance is crucial for an effective and successful social media SEO.



To know more visit http://socialmediatoday.com/jayson-bowden/2416346/social-media-marketing-resources-optimize-your-search-ranking 

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How hits turn into dollars?

From marketers to waitresses to the guy down the street, web users everywhere have the itch to create something unique, sharable and profitable. While some web users are in it for fame, others are actively seeking ways to get their brand out to the masses. Their ultimate goal is to turn the hits into dollars. As for up-and-coming networks, platforms that encourage media in smaller formats are perfect for launching sharable content. The key lies in simply being human and understanding what makes people tick. 



To know more read the article by Katie Parr, Social media specialist of tCloud Solutions, follow http://socialmediatoday.com/katieparr/2394536/how-hits-turn-dollars 

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Mobile future will force business into the cloud

An article by Aimee Chanthadavong, tech journalist with ZDNet, talks about how businesses have focused aggressively on virtualization and automating private clouds so that information can be shared. She also mentioned about the transition from the mainframe which happened over a decade and thus moving to the third platform of IT is going to take a while because there's so much invested in the existing infrastructure. Businesses redefine their infrastructures and look at ways to free up their existing budget to fund new projects, such as creating new apps; it's also an opportunity for IT to be innovative again.


To know more visit http://www.zdnet.com/mobile-future-will-force-business-into-the-cloud-emc-7000029095/



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Why location-based social data is the new currency?

An article by Sofie De Beule, community manager of Engagor, conveys that the majority of mobile consumers use their devices to broadcast their location by checking in on Foursquare, posting a photo on Facebook from dinner with friends or getting directions. Thus location-based social data has become the new currency to engage and build stronger relationships with consumers. Therefore, location-based marketing - targeting people with advertising, based on their location - is essential for businesses to partake in. To keep the mobile-savvy consumer engaged longer, one-to-one connection and delivering the right content through a personalized message based on their personal, localized data is essential. As the connected consumer continues to rely on their mobile device to determine where they will go and how they will spend their money, companies need to embrace location-based marketing.



To know more visit http://socialmediatoday.com/sofie-de-beule/2399336/why-location-based-social-data-new-currency 

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Is texting the next solution to field customer complaints?

Will this be the year in which retailers add SMS texting to their customer support channels? Plenty of consumers have discarded SMS in favor of WhatsApp. Thirty one percent of mobile phone owners prefer to text rather than talk. Texting bypasses the annoyance of wading through multiple menus and directives to enter account numbers or other personal information to route a call.


 To gather more information, follow the article link by Lydia Dishman, veteran business journalist.



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Insurance industry: adopting cloud technology

The concept of transferring an existing platform to the cloud appears to have many businesses stumped, including those in the insurance industry. Cloud service providers like Microsoft, Oracle and VMware are not going to wait for the insurance company to make up their mind about it. So by the time they do, they could be restricted to having their data still on old hardware systems. But if the insurance industries do not move soon in enough into the cloud - whether that's adopting a private, public or hybrid model, there could be repercussions in the future as everybody could be worse off and face higher costs and risks of running old systems, and being noncompetitive.



 To gather more information about this aspect, follow Aimee Chanthadavong, tech journalist with ZDNet's, article link http://www.zdnet.com/insurance-industry-under-pressure-to-plug-into-the-cloud-7000026920/

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IT security: It's time to change the game

How can we rethink the ways we protect our changing IT world? We do IT differently these days, with users bringing their own devices into networks, with apps in the cloud and users are wirelessly connected - from anywhere at any time. But we still do security the same old ways, with firewalls the mediaeval fortresses guarding the gates around our walled city data centers. Detecting malware is complex. New malware that's never been analyzed won't be blocked by conventional tools. The risk may be small, but it's still a risk. Changing the way we think about protecting our networks from malware changes the game. It lets us focus on understanding the software engineering implications of malware. It's a new world out there and it's good to see that the security industry is thinking about how it needs to react, taking advantage of the same new tools and techniques we're using in private, hybrid, and public clouds. Now it's up to us to think about how we can prevent attacks on our infrastructure and keep that vital data right where it belongs.



To know more, read the article by Simon Bisson, Freelance technology journalist, follow http://www.zdnet.com/it-security-its-time-to-change-the-game-and-heres-how-7000029246/ 

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Cloud computing: managing contractual risks

An article by Ryang Huang, Editor at ZDNet's Asia/Singapore, conveys that there will be both practical and commercial risks when choosing a cloud service which can be mitigated by focusing on the service contract. He also mentioned that the service contract must enable organizations to comply with their own obligations. Also, the service contract should include a plan detailing the steps to be taken on exit and how data will be extracted from the vendor. As cloud services may involve the use of software and other intellectual property rights under a license, organizations could be dragged into a legal dispute in the event of third party claims of infringement against the cloud service provider.



To gather better insights in this aspect follow http://www.zdnet.com/how-to-manage-contractual-risks-in-cloud-computing-7000027568/ 

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