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Amazon CloudWatch Logs with AWS OpsWorks

 Amazon CloudWatch Logs is a service that  helps us to watch, accumulate, and access our system, application, and practice log files from Amazon EC2 instances. e.g., we can monitor request logs for specific literal terms  or calculate the number of occurrences of a literal term at a particular location in log data (such as "404" status codes in an Apache access log). When the term we are penetrating for is found, CloudWatch Logs reports the data to an Amazon CloudWatch metric that we specify. We can then recover the linked log data from CloudWatch Logs if, for example, the count of "NullReferenceExceptions" exceeds its normal range. Following are the steps to arrange Amazon CloudWatch Logs with AWS OpsWorks. Step 1: Create Recipes. Step 2: Extend the AWS IAM Role.Step 3: Create an OpsWorks Stack. Step 4: Add a Layer. Step 5: Add an Instance. Step 6: View your Logs. Read more at: 


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