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Analytics with AI

With many companies still stuck to take advantage of data, analytics has to be number one question because this is a key stage to implement AI successfully. There is a sequence of evolution in analytics, starting from descriptive to prescriptive. 

Nowadays, organizations tend to skip traditional analytics and shift into AI. Many enterprises use the descriptive analytics, applying BI techniques: combine all your data to get a quick review on what’s going on in the company. 

Without the insight that analytics brings, it will be hard to assess the outcome of any artificial intelligence system. Analytics keeps AI transparent, responsible and may help increase the productivity of AI systems. Unproductive information control leads to the unnecessary operational costs. AI analytics helps to find out cost savings and prepares a report with the help of main ROI metrics to keep up productive decision making.

Read more at: https://medium.com/the-mission/ai-and-analytics-2-38b19cfade7a

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