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Central Banking is an art not science

Mythili Bhusnurmath, Consulting Editor ET NOW says that banking is not science which is claimed by many economists but an art. To prove this point she considers Fed and said that the broad consensus is that Fed is not going to hike its rate, which is in contradiction to the fact that macroeconomic numbers coming from US suggest that Fed should increase its rates.  The point is Fed is not driven by numbers. Roadmap clearly suggests that it would be a quarter percent hike every quarterly but Fed has not made any such announcement so far. So this proves the point that central banking is an art not science as the results which are suggested by numbers are clearly not followed. Read the article here: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2016-03-16/news/71573617_1_janet-yellen-mythili-bhusnurmath-fed

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