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Chatbots Inability

Major reasons why chatbots fail is their inability to understand the context if someone is being sarcastic. They fail to decipher if customers try to mix two languages or more. More than aiming for convenience, it ends up harming the user experience. Trying to make the bot answer every query rather than on a particular area makes it dysfunctional. In many cases, bots may fail to have human intervene into a problem or escalate the issue that it is not able to answer. It is more about how the chatbot is deployed. Disconnect occurs when businesses put chatbots without thinking through the customer or internal user journey. Nonetheless, chatbots would still make sense for functional activities for e.g. looking for nearby restaurants, flights between two cities, weather etc., instead of evolved transactions like choosing products and adding to cart that’s more suited to a browser experience. The technology is here to stay but it is not mature currently. In next three-five years, there will be a  lot of industry segments replaced by chatbots. Read more at https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/297633



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