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easyJet takes off with Workday Human Capital Management

easyJet, UK's largest and Europe's fourth largest airline, plans to enhance talent management practices, modernize reporting and analytics capabilities with the help of Workday Human Capital Management, a provider of enterprise cloud applications for human resources and finance. With Workday's unified application for human resources (HR) in the cloud, easyJet plans to enhance talent management practices and modernize reporting and analytics capabilities. In addition, since Workday analytics are built into the core of the application, easyJet will gain access to meaningful insights around key indicators such as cost, capacity, and capability of its workforce, helping to drive hiring and sourcing decisions throughout the organization.

To know more, visit the following link: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/easyjet-takes-off-with-workday-human-capital-management-2014-04-08

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