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Play it safe when using Wearables!

The trend of wearables is growing hotter each day. BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) and IoT (Internet of Things) clubbed together, is adding more efficiency and flexibility. It's no surprise that smart wearables are already passé for fashionistas. On the counterpart, these trends are attracting the attention of hackers. Wearables are being profoundly used for both business and personal purposes. Thus making them a rich source of information. This could act to the disadvantage if the information gets into the wrong hands. Though the wearables have not revealed any big disadvantages, so far. But as always, with evolving technologies, there always exist weak points. The hackers find these weaknesses and exploit it to their benefit. So it is essential to do proper research on the wearable, before handling it a prominent portion of your information. Read more about it in an article written by Jen A. Miller (a freelance journalist) at: http://www.cio.com/article/3022059/wearable-technology/how-secure-are-wearables-anyway.html

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