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SMAC: A new IT trend

According to Nitin Mehta (CIO of IT Enterprise Transforming India), Indian industries are going through technology transformation phase. Social, mobility, analytics and cloud (SMAC) are changing the way the organizations run. According to the Enterprise IT trends and investments 2015 survey report:

• 64% of the Indian CIO plan to increase their IT spending over 2014.
• Three in ten CIOs are planning to increase their IT spending by 10%.
• 25% of the IT budget is allocated to SMAC technologies.
• 50% of the respondents believe that social media is very effective in engaging customers.
• 57% of the respondents believe that cloud is being every significant.

Some observations are found, they are:

• CIO’s, IT agenda is mainly driven by internal factors, such as maturity and organization size.
• Companies IT spending is increasing.
• Social media is becoming an integral part of marketing strategy.
• Social media is transforming the relationship between stakeholders.
• Increasing usage of smartphones and internet, helping organizations in creating digital data.
• Prescriptive analytics is helping organizations in understanding the need of the customers.
Read more at: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/technology/indian-companies-to-spend-moredisruptive-technology-ey_1391213.html?utm_source=ref_article

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