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Things to know about PaaS

In the last few years, the PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) market has seen an explosion. Organizations are now looking forward to receiving, processing, storing and scaling data and PaaS is making all these possible. Here are five things one should know about PaaS:

(i) PaaS benefits not only start-ups but also other organizations. 

(ii) PaaS platforms differ widely with different architecture and languages. Applications can be developed in languages tailor-made to suit the needs of individual businesses.

(iii) PaaS and DevOps (software developed in response to an interdependence of software developers and other IT professionals) intersects at the point of delivery. Thus, both can work together.

(iv)  PaaS is a safe and secure option for storing and processing data. It also supports important security standards.

(v) PaaS serves as one of the critical components for building applications for IoT. Read more at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7964-paas-five-things-you-didn-t-know


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