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Experience these Benefits by Transiting to Agile

Agile is the buzzword in industry today. Simply put, it is a better way of managing teams and projects by self organizing and cross functional collaboration.

Ming Chan, Founder and CEO of The1stMovement, in his article at Forbes, has shared his experience of transition to agile and benefits achieved from it in an agency context.

In his words, “Transition of moving from Waterfall to Agile as a business nearly killed our agency, but once we pushed through the steep learning curve, the implementation of Agile into our day-to-day workflow, and most importantly, our culture, undoubtedly took us to the next level.

According to him, this transition yielded the following benefits:

  • Project Profit Margin
  • Client Satisfaction
  • Employee Happiness

To learn more from his experience, please visit the following link:


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