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The Drone Economy

Drone economics are classically disruptive. Already drones can accomplish tasks in some hours that take people days. They can provide deeply detailed visual data for a tiny fraction of the cost of acquiring the same data by other means. They’re becoming crucial in workplace safety, removing people from precarious processes such as cell-tower inspection. And they offer, literally, a new view into business: Their low-overhead perspective is bringing new insights and capabilities to fields and factories alike. The drone economy is real, and you need a strategy for exploiting it. Here’s how to think about what’s happening — and what’s going to happen. 1) Capturing reality for the cost of a nice lunch 2) Rising from the ground to fill the missing middle 3) Autonomous, small and countless 4) The rise of cloud robotics 5) Cool is not enough. Drones as ubiquitous as sprinklers: We’ve come a long way from weapons, sci-fi movies, and headlines. But in the prosaic applications of advanced technologies lie their real impact. Read more at: https://hbr.org/cover-story/2017/05/drones-go-to-work


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Revolution in autonomous vehicles


In the race of becoming a leader in autonomous car, Google and Tesla, compete each other in the near future. Tesla gains a hand over Google as it has already launched semi-autonomous vehicles in the Indian market named model S and model X. And during the time, Google's self-driving car (SDC) has been in the development. Although the target remains the same, i.e. 2020. Both companies use different techniques. Google uses reflected laser, whereas Tesla uses 3D cameras. Google is developing an autonomous vehicle in which there is no control of the driver, but Tesla uses an autopilot feature just like in airplanes so to allow some movement to the pilot.Despite different standpoint, result is much awaited till 2020. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/tesla-google-autonomous-car-technologies-different/


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Are we ready to give the powers of life and death to the robots?

We have come a long way from coding a simple calculator to programming robots to do our tasks. In the near future, we will be relying on robotic systems that are completely autonomous for tasks varying from driving a car to making life-death decisions like performing a surgery or prescribing medications. But the question arises “Are we ready to entrust the Robotic systems to make life-death decisions? Would we be able to program robots that understand the moral values, customs and rules by which we abide? Roboticists are figuring out the way to deal with the moral or behavioral problems that might arise with the robots. And hopefully, it will go great in the end. Read more at: http://spectrum.ieee.org/robotics/artificial-intelligence/can-we-trust-robots



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