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Is social network really effective in marketing?

Social media has been in the center of attention when it comes to web marketing, yet many business leaders are skeptic about it. Some business leaders believe that customers do not respond or interact with them through social media. But this gives a wrong impression that the popularity of their products is not increasing. Just because people do not comment or like their product in social media, does not mean that they go unnoticed. According to a recent study, social media is the most effective way of marketing, when done in the correct way. So the effectiveness is dependent more on the user than the tool itself. To know more read: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/casey-cavanagh/its-not-facebook-its-you-_b_7270892.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in



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Big Data does not do all by itself

Business leaders have embraced big data like never before. They believe that big data will bring miracles and will bring fortunes to their company. But, take a note - everything is not done by big data. If you do nothing, and sit on high hopes that big data will solve all problems, then you are wrong - instead of simplifying, big data will make your tasks more complex.

One thing you have to remember is that, although usage of big data has spurted, there are several analytical softwares that can give valuable outputs like how to become more competitive in the market or how to deliver better products and services, but still human intervention is necessary. Unless and until you guide your big data, it will not help you.

So, do not get lost in the midst of big data and take the right path to realize its full value and potential. Here are the ways you can do so: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-things-you-shouldnt-expect-big-data-to-do/# .

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