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Now a days big companies like Coca-Cola, Mondelēz, Tyson Foods, and Kellogg are adding a new position known as CGO (Chief Growth Officer) in place of CMO (Chief Marketing Officer). Here question arises do we really need a CGO? Was CMO not enough to meet the current business growth ? What is the work of a CGO? Why CGO is being given importance over CMO? Role of CGO is amorphous. He has to take charge of the Marketing department into R&D, Customer Service, Analytics, and more. Even some times he is given charge of sales department. Work load of CGO varies from company to company. He can also give value to a business when CEO lacks a background in customer experience, communication, and engagement. Company’s performance not only depends on higher authorities like CMO, CGO and CEO but also employees working inside a company. So judge and choose a best option for your company.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/leadership/cmo-vs-cgo-business-need-chief-growth-officer-01835441#rixIFIrtpwyfDrZG.97



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Can Chief Marketing Technologist Takeover Chief Marketing Officer

CMO, the Chief Marketing Officer, has played an important role in the company's boardrooms. They always provided the right direction and techniques to sell products and services. In past 10 years, there has been renovation of techniques. TV and print advertising pales has been replaced by digital advertising and social media. Today use of technology and data by marketers is not limited as previously it was. The increased dependence on technology and data has led to foundation of Chief Marketing Technologist (CMT). They are the strategist, creative director and technology evangelist. Some economists believe that due to data centralization replacing CMO with CMT is not feasible. Both the CMO and CMT have played their role which is important part for business. So neither can replace the other.  Read more at:https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/will-the-cmt-replace-the-cmo

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