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Big Data in Gaming

Big data has started to play a vital role in gaming industries nowadays. Providing individual experience and maximizing the advertising of its products, gaming industry is far beyond ready to take big data to its peak. They have implemented techniques to collect data directly from online sources. They have data for marketing like never before. Big data has a new definition, a new meaning to everyone in the gaming industry, big data means a better consumer experience. Read more at: 



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Implementing data privacy in healthcare sector

A chunk of healthcare information is being generated through electronic medical records, wearable devices and centralized databases leading to improvement in care, lowering of costs and driving efficiency. Healthcare, in recent times, is characterized by data-driven technologies thus leading to betterment of treatment, quality, safety and efficiency. These modern data-driven techniques also raise serious privacy and security questions as pointed out by Chris Boone, executive director of the Health Data Consortium. Concern over security arises when organizations pile sensitive consumer data. To mitigate the problem of data privacy, researchers recommend encrypting health data both in transition and at rest as healthcare companies are the popular targets of cyber criminals. Read more at: http://www.cio.com/article/2914170/healthcare/how-to-balance-data-privacy-and-healthcare-improvements.html


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Gaining Insights of Consumer Data through Social Media

Social media has opened the gates of consumer data and outdated demographic advertisements. Companies can gain a lot of information on individuals through their social media accounts. Every post made, comment liked, or page shared gives an insight into who we are. New features also allow social media sites to learn why certain ads don’t appeal to us, and which ones we tend to react more. Managing vast information in a social media site is a complicated process. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/using-data-better-social-retargeting



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