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Cross pollination: A way ahead

Nowadays, business challenges across industries are same due to increasing commonality. Some of these challenges are customer satisfaction, market insight, cost reduction and supply chain efficiency. A solution to one of these problems in an industry can be applied to clients facing similar issue in another industry. This cross pollination can happen internally also between teams and departments. For prediction of the customer behavior we use analytical models by which we can give out the right message at the right time. These models can be used across industries to solve analytical problems because customers are often similar only and face same challenges. Read more here: http://www.callcentertimes.com/Articles/tabid/59/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/407/CategoryID/1/NewsID/1000/Default.aspx

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Cloud Computing: Enables Small Businesses to Fly High

Cloud computing has changed the way organizations work in this digital world. Whatever be the size of the companies, cloud computing is the key. This has now become the norm.

In context of small companies, its use has been even more beneficial. Many new organizations have also come into existence because of this. According to a research by Microsoft, “62% of companies using cloud services report significant benefits of IT productivity, and 45% of small businesses said they should adhere to cloud services this year.

Diogo Costa, in his article at tech.co, has stated the advantages of using cloud computing for small companies. They are:

  • Cost reduction
  • Increased data security
  • Possibility to work remotely

To understand them in detail, please visit the following link:


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Dynamic Scheduling System and how it helps in business

The main goal of business is earning profit. Companies should find ways to maximize efficiency and service without facing any cost reduction. One such way is by implementing Dynamic Scheduling System which will use the Geo-location information and track activities of your field service men. With the help of such information, a company will be able to know what your workforce is actually doing with their work time and can design a management strategy. Helen T Dellomes (Freelance Writer), writes in his article about how Dynamic Scheduling System can help you to boost your company's productivity. To know more, follow: http://ezinearticles.com/?Maximize-Your-Business-Profit-Through-Dynamic-Scheduling&id=8739980


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IVR: A friend of you in reducing your operational cost

Handling phone calls to serve your customers is definitely important for your company. But, have you ever calculated how much it costs you? A research by ContactBabel, shows that for making a live agent call, it costs you £ 3.87 in average!

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) can be effective in reducing this cost. According to the report, it can bring down your operational costs by 6 times. Also, with increasing usage of smartphones, a new type of IVR menus can be provided known as Visual IVR, where a caller can navigate a visual IVR menu between 4 and 5 times faster than a traditional audio IVR menu. The direct impact will be enhanced customer experience.

Read at http://www.callcentrehelper.com/ivr-self-service-costs-6-times-less-than-a-phone-call-59403.htm for more research findings on how IVR can help you reducing your costs.

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