
SigmaWay Blog

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Ways to hold existing customers

There are many ways in which a first-time customer will feel enticed to be a full-time customer and maintain a long relationship with the company. One should understand the profile of the typical customer of the company and segment the group both geographically and demographically. Giving customer's a positive experience by accurately replying to their queries goes a long way. Companies should understand that customer retention is much more than the cost incurred in the advertising campaigns. While offering subscription information, companies should keep in mind not to cost their customers anything. Rather, moving subscriptions to social media can reach thousands customers within minutes. Hence social media posts should be updated according to the customers interests. Read more at :



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Using CRM as a marketing tool

Any business needs to sell products and answer the need of their customers in order to grow their business. Every business need to quantify customer satisfaction, but, you need to collect data first to quantify customer satisfaction. This is where CRM comes in. CRM helps you pull in more profit and also helps in maximizing marketing tool. CRM can also look into the customer trend. A CRM system can record all your past interactions, meetings and even business presentations. It will not just collate and analyze data, but it can also group your customers into different segments based on their budget or preferences. So, CRM as a marketing tool, not only relies on the products or services you offer, but it also relies on actual customer feedback. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-to-maximize-crm-as-a-marketing-tool-70038



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3 Ways Big Data Can Help Financial Institution

Big data and financial services have played their role together to boost the company's profits. Big data is providing advantages to financial services in three ways. Firstly, big data is keeping financial companies ahead to develop more creative and innovative ways of using big data to predict future, which companies are going to earn profits and which type products will be demanded in future. Nowadays, financial companies can easily monitor and respond to changes that exist in financial markets. Secondly, banks are also using big data to become more customer focused. This can be done by tapping the reams of unstructured data like lifestyle information, social media activity, and customer feedback and support requests. Thirdly, big data can be used in fraud detection. Read more at:http://www.smartdatacollective.com/bernardmarr/335942/3-ways-big-data-changing-financial-institutions-forever

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Dissecting marketing strategies

Firms looking for potential customers should proceed with caution while deciding on the marketing strategies. The marketing strategies should be not such that annoy customers. Here are some general pointers:
• It is best to come clean about the product and its limitations. There is no sense in hiding weakness initially which might make the customer deflect later due to inefficiency.
• Promotion of the product should be done either through email or phone, not both. Some decorum should be maintained while having a conversation over phone or emailing a customer.
• Demonstrations made to the customers should be engaging and interactive.
• The discussion sphere should not be kept confined to the product only, it pays to enquire about the customer. Even if opinions differ or disinterest is shown by the customer, it helps to give value to the reasons the company got rejected.
Read more at:  http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/5-sales-marketing-tactics-guaranteed-to-annoy-customers-01274974

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Close Relationship with customers: A Key to increase profit

According to successful CEOs and marketing experts, the survival of any business in the near future will rely on maintaining close relationships with customers. In this competitive and dynamic world, the ability to predict, adapt and change are the basic necessity for organization’s survival. According to Shawn Casemore (President and Founder of Casemore and Co Inc.), there are three fundamental areas of business that affect the profitability of any organization are:
• Customers
• Market
• Employees

 But for the growth and long-term survival of an organization, they need a close relationship with their customers. Three steps to create a close relationship with your customers are:

• Shift away from a functional mentality.
• Build offerings that deliver value.
• Tune into customer feedback.
To know more about these steps and professional view regarding marketing, please follow this link: http://www.industryweek.com/customer-relationships/increase-profits-creating-closer-customer-connections

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What things to consider while purchasing CRM Software

Customer Relationship Management is important nowadays. While considering  Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, one has to consider cost, whether the CRM software meets the standards of the users meeting users’ needs, whether it is user friendly or not, and whether the system portrays user feedback.  Price should be the top consideration while purchasing a CRM System. Return On Investment, adoption and feedback are other things to be considered. One has to listen to users and take action based on their suggestions. To know more about CRM, follow Jerri Ledford (writer of business technology)’s article link: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/does-your-crm-make-a-good-first-impression-62894


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Advanced Text Mining: Classification of textual data from various feedback forums

A computer technology company wanted an automatic solution to classify customer problems and complaints that were posted on the company's Tech Forums as well as agent transcripts associated with customer calls that were stored in databases. It wanted a "text mining and codification engine" to which Natural Language Processing could be applied to categorize conversations automatically and thus aid Microsoft in analyzing text data objectively and quantitatively. The solution provided had four major milestones: Data Access, Data Loading, Classification Design, Development Accuracy, and Validation Accuracy. The text mining framework provided was able to categorize the texts automatically into five stages of classification. Thus with the assurance of accurate results, the company was able to take quick informed decisions based on customer feedback. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/advanced-text-mining-by-extracting-insights-from-various-forums-helps-in-addressing-and-analyzing-customer-feedback/

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Can unstructured data launch a successful VOC program?

Companies take efforts to develop all-encompassing voice of the customer (VOC) programs. The success of these programs is dependent on the quality and variety of data gathered from customers. Increasingly, companies are gathering customer feedback from structured as well as unstructured data. For companies establishing a VOC program, unstructured data seems overwhelming. Because of this, companies may avoid analyzing it. Capturing and analyzing unstructured data can be daunting to VOC program managers. Automation is an important step in successfully optimizing the value of unstructured data in a VOC program. Unstructured data creates excellent insight into the underlying drivers of loyalty, and it's vital that organizations make use of their available information. The companies that listen in the right places, using unstructured data to destroy structured, solicited feedback, and taking action accordingly, will have a huge advantage over their competitors. Unlocking the capacity of unstructured data is manageable if taken one step at a time, and the results will be well worth the effort. Read more at: 


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