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Modern CRM Tools

Customer-relationship management tools, or CRM tools, provide an important way to connect better with the customer base. In a study, it was found that 71% of telecommunication companies stressed the importance of integrating customer data across the entire organization. An old CRM strategy can become obsolete and cost you new customers and customer retention also become a problem; it could even decrease the overall quality of your customers' experiences. To overcome his problem, software companies are offering modern CRM solutions. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/dont-let-your-crm-go-stale-71154



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Identifying the most important data points in CRM

Customer relationship management tools can be valuable if it is not overloaded with plenty of data. Many CRMs allow business to customize dashboard so that you can identify critical data at a glance, such as meetings with prospects, potential value of your deals, total value of your sales pipeline and other information. So, to know the most important data points you should configure in your CRM, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/the-most-important-ataglance-data-points-for-your-crm-69784



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