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Big Data Analytic & Supply Chain Management 

This paper gives us a holistic understanding of two main topics – big data analytic & supply chain management. In this highly competitive world, every organization is looking forward to a competitive advantage in the form either cost effectiveness or better utilization of resources. To achieve this goal organizations are using a data driven supply chain to integrate the entire processes. This enables organization to stream line supply chain while mitigating the risk in an uncertain business environment. Big data analytic also helps an organization to extract important trends & information that can be used to make the systems more efficient & robust.

To read the full article click:- http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2755828


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Text Analytics: Taking the challenge of Unstructured Data

There is no doubt about the revolution that big data has brought to the way business is done. But, most of the talk has been around the structured data. It has been increasingly becoming clear that the potential of big data can be truly understood if we take up the challenge of harvesting unstructured data. Jonathan Buckley, senior vice president of marketing at Qubole, in an article in Smartdatacollective emphasizes that if businesses want to remain relevant and profitable then it’s the right time to turn their attention to text analytics. The most important advantage that text analytics have is that it provides with a much larger sample of customer sentiment and extract data which is otherwise not quantifiable. But all of this boils down to having the right technology. For more on this follow the link http://www.smartdatacollective.com/jonathanbuckley/329383/text-analytics-next-frontier-big-data

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Promise And Problems Of Text Analytics

Through predictive algorithms, text analytics in Big Data can discover a wide range of happening things about a business. On the positive side, text analytics can be fed a lot of unstructured text. Customer experience management, brand monitoring, compliance and brand management can be done with the help of text analytics. This was of great use during the US election as it found out reasons behind interested voters.  Though on the negative side, text analytics tool get confused for words which has a dual meaning in the same culture or for different cultures. Hence, it should be made such that it can stand up successful for different sentiments too which many are trying to establish now. Read more about this article by Elliot Pannaman (International Events Director) at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/maximizing-business-performance-with-text-analytics

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Digital transformation: A key for business survival

Digital intervention is influencing all sorts of businesses now-a-days. It is important to stay updated, in order to survive the competition. A well-known sneaker company has entered the business of digital sports in order to survive the digital disruption, happening all around. Other companies include a famous coffee maker brand, who has embraced digital transformation by launching an online platform to capture consumers' ideas, experiences and preferences. Instead of focusing too much on cost reduction, it's time to focus on innovative technology, which is also risky. For digital upgradation, it is important to understand the online topography, to recover the required data, which is analyzed using data analytics, which then gives results, used for understanding customer sentiment. Read more at:


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Big data in upgrading ‘customer sentiment’ insights

The increasing amount of data available to retailers, are giving them quite a sweat, when it comes to extracting the required data from such a large pool. Big data yet again proves to be the savior of the day. Big data helps in segregating consumers, and sending them promotional offers on the basis of their purchasing patterns and location, thus improving 'customer opinion' in the process. It has been observed that customers, now-a-days are increasingly doing online study about their desired product before making the final purchase from offline stores. Big data integrates this data along with the data of actual purchases, including the location of the purchase, to filter the segregation of customers and give them better service. Read more at:


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