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Garbage In is Garbage Out in Data Sciences!

Whether you are a data analyst in a firm or a developer training its machine learning model, you deal with data. Rather you need data! Data is one of the essential things which is needed to create a foundation. The decisions and results are relied on the output you get from the data. Thus, data is important and like every other thing, it also works on the principle of Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Many people make mistake while feeding data to their data set with a hope to get better results.

However, they end up having an ugly dataset with a greater risk of damaging their product.

The 6 most common mistakes are: Not Enough Data, Low Quality Classes, Low Quality Data, Unbalanced Classes, Unbalanced Data, No Validation or Testing.

These mistakes can be fixed which could further help in fetching good results.

One just need to remember that their dataset is equally important to the model they are working on. Without a balanced dataset, getting a fine finish product is next to impossible.

To know how to fix those mistakes visit: https://hackernoon.com/stop-feeding-garbage-to-your-model-the-6-biggest-mistakes-with-datasets-and-how-to-avoid-them-3cb7532ad3b7

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Recruitment Industry: A Study

Big Data and Predictive Analytics are booming and Indian recruitment agencies are jumping on board to hire more and more Data Analysts. According to a TeamLease report, the key trends that will dominate the recruitment industry over the next six months include Information Technology (IT), engineering. It is also predicted that startups will be key hirers and adoption of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) will increase. The nation is quickly realizing the importance of Big Data and Predictive Analytics and both large companies and start-ups are beginning to employ Data Analytics into their workings. The fields where Data Analytics will primarily be required include market risk analytics, facility management and mobile applications employing data sciences. Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/Big-data-and-predictive-analytics-likely-to-dominate-recruitment-TeamLease-report-says/articleshow/47588357.cms

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