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All About Drip Marketing

These days drip marketing is an important tactic for modern marketing campaigns and aims to apply a slow-but-steady approach to winning customers through a carefully custom-made series of messages. Though drip marketing is usually applied to email campaigns, it is also applicable to direct mail and phone campaigns as well. It uses timed messages to build interest and willingness to purchase in the recipients of the messages. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/drip-marketing-for-crm-78920



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Planning a successful sales campaign

Campaigns are important for sales. Most business houses are continuously running campaigns to attract customers and convince them to buy. Sometimes, they run several campaigns at once. But, this can get complicated, particularly in a multi-channel environment. Fortunately, your CRM system can help you. However, campaigns need planning. Before sending the first emails you need to plan carefully to get the maximum impact out of your sales campaign. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/planning-a-campaign-78483



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How to get response from email marketing

Email is the one of the most popular form of direct customer contact today.  But, companies still have trouble getting their emails read. The response rate for business emails is in the low single digits despite all the effort and money companies put into email campaigns. Luckily, there are things that companies can do to make their emails more attractive to their customers and get higher responses. Some of these things are amazingly simple and supported by extensive research. Every email must include a call to action. This is an explicit statement which asks the reader to take the next step in the sales process. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/three-secrets-to-successful-emails-78484



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Email Marketing Campaigns

Small businesses can generate ROI if they integrate email marketing with client engagement platforms. These tools are applications that can be integrated into a business website, email campaigns, or social marketing software – enabling clients to interact with a business from anywhere at any time. Some examples of these tools are online payments, online scheduling, file sharing, electronic forms and signatures, event registration, surveys and more. If email marketing is done in a right way then it can generate ROI and increase customer engagement.  To know more, follow (Ran Oelgiesser, Chief Marketing Officer of vCita)’s article link: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/boosting-email-marketing-campaigns-with-client-engagement-platforms-and-scheduling-tools/1236



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