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Block-chain: Future of banks in 10 years

Organizations which create maximum employment tend to be the most disrupting. Like the agricultural sector, which employed nearly 40% of the population in the 20th century now it employs less than 2%. As we know financial services form a big part of the workforce. Is it going to disrupt too? A new technology, Block-chain technology is threatening to disrupt it. So how does this technology work? The key point being encryption and storing them in an append only method. The basic concept is a user first encodes a message Using a private key and then shares a corresponding unique public key with anyone authorized to read the message. The public key not only allows the authorized person to read the message, but also verifies without a doubt as to who the source of the message is. The data should be updated at regular intervals, thus making the data immutable, tamper proof removing the need for any mediators. The biggest challenge of Block-chain is its integration with other systems and phased roll out. Read more at: http://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/dobig/news/detail/1472


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Five tools that will make you secure online

People are actively looking for ways to increase their online privacy and security. So here are five tools to increase that will help you achieve the same.

1. Privacy Badger: It blocks all the tricky ads. It can be used as an extra level of security over common ad block sites.

 2. HTTPS Everywhere: This makes browsing more secure by encrypting communications provided that the sites you are opening have these additional capabilities.

3. Ublock Origin: It's a free and open source extension.

4. Purify Blocker: this application is made for iOS helps in browsing websites without ads and tracking. It will also lower the data usage and will improve speed.

5. Tor: It's a service that can encrypt web traffic and sends it across a series of relays to help maintain anonymity. It can be downloaded on laptop for Windows, Mac or Linux.


Read the full article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/ygrauer/2015/10/13/five-tools-privacy-security/#5804444e537c



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Protecting encryption keys is critical to keeping cloud data private

Implementing cloud data encryption and maintaining control over encryption keys is an important way for the enterprise to verify how information can be shared and unlocked. Cloud data encryption transforms data so that it is undecipherable without the key that can be used to change the data back to its original form. But several enterprises are now realizing that when they cede control of their encryption keys to their cloud providers, their sensitive data may not be as private as they had hoped. They need to look for peer reviewed security proofs and understand implications on end users of cloud applications if there are strong encryption techniques. Recommendation from Gartner and the security and compliance needs to control sensitive data and it becomes clear that having vast amounts of sensitive data dispersed to multiple cloud application providers and relying on those providers to keep the encryption keys safe creates a security paradox for the enterprise.



To gather more insights visit the article by Gerry Grealish, Chief Marketing Officer of PerspecSys, follow http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/blog-hub/2014/mar/20/when-deploying-cloud-data-encryption-protecting-encryption-keys-is-critical-to-keeping-cloud-data-private/

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