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ways to become a millionaire!

They are many ways of becoming a millionaire but working for someone might not be one of them. For someone with a family to support, leaving the safety of a salaried position is risky, even if it might be more lucrative down the road. If you’re set on becoming a millionaire, but you also want the security of working for someone else, here are a few options to consider.1.) Earn partner status: just look for the company that is going to turn into a partnership firm, there can be a way for you to enter. 2.) Take stock options: many companies offer stock in addition to a small salary, one can accept, as there are more chances of growth. 3.) Savings: savings is more essential than earning more money. 4.) Invest wisely: Many entrepreneurial-minded people are skilled at spotting a solid business concept and putting their money into it. 5.) Taking over business: Eventually, the business owner will retire or move on to other ventures. That could be your chance to shine. 6.) Start a side business: Once your day job ends, your side hustle should begin. With today’s technology, you don’t have to invest in a physical office and a team of employees to start a new business. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296361



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CRM statistics that every entrepreneur should know

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a necessity for companies of all types and sizes. This software aims to provide excellent customer service, targeted marketing strategies and other benefits which increase the productivity and profitability of business. For any budding entrepreneur who's still on the fence about CRM, these statistics should make the decision an easy one –

·         Worldwide Market of $36.5 Billion

·         Mobile Accessibility Up to 48 Percent

·         Fully Operational Within 18 Months 

·         Satisfaction Rates Start at 54% and Grow

·         SaaS Deployment at 85% by 2025


Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-crm-statistics-every-entrepreneur-should-understand-73295

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Good Business Ideas for Start-ups

Start-up and entrepreneurship is not only regarding ideas you have, it also regarding the execution of that idea. Great ideas without execution and follow-through stand nowhere even if you have a good idea. The important things one need to do, if one wants to achieve success with your ideas are:

1. Be confident.

2. Accept risk.

3. Define your purpose.

4. Create a plan.

5. Assemble a like-minded team.

6. Constantly build momentum.

7. Anticipate obstacles.

8. Establish a professional/personal balance.

9. Set micro-goals.

10. Be patient.

To read in detail, follow the article by Jonathan Long (Founder and CEO, Market Domination Media) at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/269869

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A Study On Start-Ups

Small Medium Businesses (SME) contribute to around half of the GDP and two-third of all private sector jobs in UK, thus playing a massive role in innovation. Nearly 9% of the UK adults are now in early-stage entrepreneurship.  Tech firms & digital enterprises has sprung up all over the country. Banks are helping smaller companies with correct tools and best practice in their earlier stage so that these companies can achieve their full potential. Read more about this interesting article by Richard Phelps, Head of Corporate and Employer's Solution at: https://barclayswealthblog.com/index.php/fostering-fast-growth-start-ups/ 

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Make yourself easy with Big Data

Previously, I wrote that before stepping into Big Data, you should set up your question first. Now, it’s time for you to get accustomed to it. Every one of us knows that Big Data is changing the world of business. It has reshaped the ways companies normally look for gaining customer insights and is also helping entrepreneurs. But, still there is an important question that needs to be answered. Let’s talk about it.

One of the main advantages of implementing Big Data is that it helps you to take smarter decisions about your product as you get to know lots of customer data. You have to remember that using Big Data should not be expensive.  So the mantra will be - minimum expenditure, maximum benefit. You may be thinking ‘how can it be done? It’s an impossible task!’ But the good news is that it can be done and yes, in a cheaper way. Interested to know? Know the inexpensive ways on how to manage huge data sets and get the maximum out of it here: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/233280 .

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Cloud – a powerful tool to your business

Whether you are a startup, entrepreneur, SME or a large business enterprise, cloud technology is the thing that should come to you handy. Unlike the past, where a newbie in a business has to think twice over investing in costly equipment, cloud has made the job easy. With scalability, ubiquity and user centricity, it is the cloud that should be on your agenda in setting or developing up your business, irrespective of size.

With cloud, you can have access to technological advancements at a cheaper cost enabling you to compete with your rivals. With cloud technology in your hands, it can even happen that you are defeating your rivals!

Read more at: http://www.theguardian.com/media-network/media-network-blog/2014/apr/15/cloud-computing-large-businesses-benefit.


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Cloud as an aid to the entrepreneurs!

What is Cloud? The cloud computing is a phrase, which is used to describe a variety of computing concepts that involve a large number of systems connected through a communication network such as the Internet. It also means the ability to run an application on many connected computers at the same time.

Entrepreneurship emphasizes on innovation and as we all know, innovation leads to sustainability in this volatile demand & application driven market.

The current technological environment demands these two factors, cloud and entrepreneurship to come together as an explorer combo pack. The idea is like start ups can swipe a credit card, buy a little bit of infrastructure and get the idea off the ground. And it doesn't matter if a company’s idea is related to technology, marketing or consumer products. It is a very fast and efficient means of getting the back office & customer-facing capabilities moving.

To read more- visit the following link:


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