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Google analytics providing us abundance of opportunity to grow a business

Google analytics providing us abundance of opportunity to grow a business

Analytics is gaining the highest popularity day by day in the business context. Reason is very simple. This provides a real time analysis of mind share and salience. Google is trying to venture in this section and finally it positioned themselves into this arena unlike other companies. Their model is mostly web specific because most companies are tracking their customers via web activities, no of hits, activity index and frequency. Not only that it helps to you understand social presence and real time web mining. For getting all these bunch of information you need to log in in google analytics. Such real time analysis not only provide you traffic notification but also provide user cookies which is closer to site relevance. Even they will provide detailed geographic, browsing info and language specific information which helps to u understand your customers need more specifically and accurately.  

To read, follow: http://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/getting-started-setting-google-analytics-01519623#FEKZ3JA1kj8FBQ8H.97


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Artificial intelligence in the world of games

Artificial intelligence in the world of games

 Lee Sedol, The champion Go player, ranked 5th in the world, has beaten Google's AlphaGo artificial intelligence program in their fourth of five matches in Seoul, South Korea. AlphaGo is an ultra-complex abstract strategy game. This particular game requires a high level of human intuitions & higher perceptions and is slightly more difficult than chess. At the match when AlphaGo made a mistake, there was a question mark on its quick response ability.

Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2016/03/14/human-go-champion-beats-google-alphago-ai-fourth-match/#655b1699292e 


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Google is implementing artificial intelligence to facilitate better image search

Google has developed a new artificial intelligence system which can recognize the geo-location of a picture. It can also identify a particular monument and area by using sophisticated mapping techniques. This will not only improve an intelligent image search, but also provide a more accurate mapping facility. The system doesn’t exactly spit out GPS coordinates. Instead the team divided the globe into about 26,000 squares of differing sizes based on how many photos from the data set were taken in the area. Huge image search and detailed mapping system is space consuming and particularly troublesome for smaller devices like smartphones and tabs which have space constraints. In order to minimize these issues they are trying to compress huge data within 377mb only.

To know more, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericmack/2016/02/25/this-google-a-i-can-figure-out-where-that-photo-was-taken/#1bff3c4e34f7



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Analyzing the Audience via Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the best tools one can use for the purpose of analyzing the audience. With the right insights, one can modify the approach, anticipate customer needs, and create a superior user experience. It is also possible to measure a tremendous diversity of data on your web users, and using that data, you’ll be able to make meaningful change to your branding and marketing strategies. The acquisition insights and behavioural insights will help you explore more details and trend understanding. This information is especially useful in determining which of your marketing strategies is the most effective, but it’s also useful for determining what types of people are visiting your site and why. For example, if you find that the majority of your users are finding your site through content you’ve syndicated on social media, you could double your content writing and syndication efforts to attract an even greater number of users.

To read more, please visit the following link:



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Google analytics: tracking social media success

Analytics makes it easy for you to track how many conversions you are getting from your social profiles by using Google Analytics. Once you have installed Google Analytics, you need to collect data, but if you are like most of your clients who have built a large audience, you will have data points on your reports that are actionable and very insightful. Google has a great support center that answers most questions that are related to trouble shooting analytics and it is a great learning resource.


 To know more read the article by Sergio Aicardi, CEO of Miami SEO Company, from http://socialmediatoday.com/sergio-aicardi/2358246/tracking-social-media-success-google-analytics



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Comparing Google Sitelinks With Google Analytics Data

Google had maintained a complete secrecy about the algorithm it uses to generate site links. Google includes pages in the sitelinks that don't appear to be the healthiest pages in traffic acquisition, engagement, or any other supporting data point. Why is Google selecting these pages? Below are three possible explanations:

  • Something for Everyone.
  • Search Trends.
  • Testing.

Examining web analytics data on site content and to try and "save users’ time" are something organizations do on a daily basis. There is a common assumption that Google has a clever way of determining the popularity of site pages without knowing the website analytics.The method that Google utilizes to determine sitelinks is still somewhat of a mystery. But data shows that Google is anticipating the popularity and health of pages within a site and in many cases including one sitelink that is not typically very popular on the site.

Mark Ryan, Lead Analyst, Extractable writes on this aspect in detail. To read, visit the following link:


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Google Analytics Content Reports: Understanding the Key Benefits

A website is a container of various contents like product or services the organization offers, its mission, vision, values, contact centre etc. Nowadays no business can grow without a properly maintained website. That is where quality of website content comes into play. It is essential to regularly analyze performance of your website content to see what’s working and what hasn't hit the spot. Google analytics site content reports can help you to a great extent for this purpose. Information like which pages getting most of the views, time specific traffic generation, visitor location, entry and exit pages etc will help you to put your effort in a more systematic manner and eventually it will address your thirst for rising above the rest. Anna Lewis, Analyst, Google Analytics, speaks about the benefits of Google Analytics content reports and how it can help you with information on page views, unique page views, Avg. time on page, entrances, bounce rate, exit percentage, page value, content groupings, navigation summary, content drill down etc.

To read more, visit


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How to get most from Google Analytics Solutions Gallery?

Google released the Dashboard Analytics Solutions Gallery more than a year ago, but marketers are yet to take full advantage of this free resource. Most advanced Google Analytics users have created custom dashboards but few have imported templates from the Solutions Gallery.This reluctance is caused by unavailability of proper support stuff, limited usage process information &preference of custom made solutions etc. However, Google Analytics Solutions Gallerydashboards can be used to find insights and drive more profit.To use it as your advantage, the following steps can be followed:

·         1st: Decide about what insights you are actually looking for.

·         2nd: Create new Dashboard & import from Gallery.

·         3rd:Filter Gallery results by Popularity, Reviews, Category or Type.

·         4th: View Data, look for insights, & Automate Reporting.

·         5th: Edit, Customize or Segment Data as required.

To read more, visit the following link:


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