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Healthcare Discovery Analytics

EMR (electronic Medical Record) adoption, big data and other trends are helping a lot in the generation of data in the healthcare industry. But data is not what drives the healthcare industry- managing this data does. In healthcare, data analytics is done in use cases. Multiple use cases are created according to the need like one while patient got admitted in some department, a use case gets created. To provide best services to patients timely, immediate access to patient’s data without the barrier of time or location. Read the full article here: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3038315/data-analytics/accelerate-time-to-value-with-healthcare-discovery-analytics.html

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Big Data helps in saving Health Care cost

In healthcare, information comes from multiple sources and it does exist in multiple forms like images, video, text, numerical data, multimedia, paper, electronic records or what not. These all are very important in the healthcare industry. Data mean the world to them.  So it is really necessary to have the right analytical tools to analyze such huge volumes of data. Moreover, jargons used in healthcare are often alien to patients or a layman. Inconsistent definitions, unstructured data is very hard to aggregate and maintain. Hence, if big data analytics used wisely can help save hundreds of billions every year. Read the complete article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2016/02/22/can-big-data-analytics-save-billions-in-healthcare-costs/#4fdcfd7f6253

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Healthcare Engulfed By Analytics

Healthcare Analytics Market has been predicted to have tremendous potential over time with low cost and improved population health. Survey report gives an increase in analytics adoption rate though many still don't use predictive modelling techniques. Data integration is required to derive analytical value which comes as a big challenge. Data Breeches and Data Security is a lesser factor than the former one since enterprises take their own data. But this factor works when external data is taken into account. People with a unique combination of statistics training, technology skills, and data knowledge are also required in large number. Also, infrastructure improvement for analytics must be done according as many healthcare decision makers. Thus analytics is getting much priority in healthcare in recent times. Read more about this article at:  http://www.cio.com/article/2904270/healthcare/healthcare-analytics-4-things-impacting-the-adoption-rate.html

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Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: A Confrontation

Big data is set to change the healthcare landscape offering better patient care, minimized hospital re-admission, and reduced costs but every new tool has a learning curve and so does this one in the healthcare industry. Big data in healthcare is referred to as Electronic Health records (EHRs), though relatively easy to collect but volume does not mean insight, it is necessary to extract data relevant to the heart of the specific problem. Apart from the 3Vs in big data – Volume, Variety, velocity, healthcare analytics also has another V, Veracity i.e. truthfulness or credibility, since it involves life and death decisions. But it is still a goal and not reality since the quality of healthcare data is highly variable. Another challenge is that the methodology requires technology and professional expertise for predictive analysis to fully utilise the data mining results to improve patient care. Read more at: https://www.healthcatalyst.com/3-reasons-why-comparative-analytics-predictive-analytics-and-nlp-wont-solve-healthcares-problems/

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Factors Affecting Healthcare Analytics

The healthcare analytics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 25% over the forecast period 2014-2019. Increasing healthcare IT adoption, centralized healthcare mandates across the globe, emerging fields of predictive, prescriptive analysis and venture capital are the factors driving the market growth. Digitization of world commerce, the emergence of Big Data and increase in the number of advanced technologies are other growth providing factors. Factors hampering the growth of the healthcare analytics market include lack of skilled labor with analytical skills, data securing and patient data privacy. North America holds the largest share of healthcare analytics market driven by US centralized healthcare mandates such as Meaningful Use and The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (PPACA). These initiatives assist to improve the acceptance of Electronic Health Records and Healthcare Information Exchange, thus improving the usage of analytics to influence the generated data. Read more at:


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Analytics to decrease non-compliance of patients

It is found that big data and healthcare analytics help patients to stick to their treatment plans following doctor's orders. According to a New England Journal of medicine report, despite having treatable ailments, about 125,000 people die in United States every year just because they don't take their medication properly advised by the doctors. According to a doctor, to overcome the problems, they needed to identify the gaps in scores and ratings which includes Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information set (HEDIS), Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS) etc. As non-compliance hurts healthcare provider's goal of improving care and reducing costs, many organizations are handling the matter by growing their insights built from big data and analytics to deploy human resources like managers and social workers in better ways. Medicare, Medicaid, dual-eligible, and commercial plan members on care management strategies incorporate technologies such as big data, analytics and integration to improve health outcomes, enhance satisfaction and compliance, also increases income and lower cost. For populations who often have chronic conditions and don't want to comply with doctor's orders because of homelessness, financial instability, joblessness and emotional issues, one can use big data to solve the problem in a logistic-driven way to help those patients comply on their care plan. Read more at: http://www.informationweek.com/healthcare/analytics/analytics-help-patients-follow-doctors-orders/d/d-id/1278717

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