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Future Job Opportunities In Health Care Industry

The healthcare industry is growing at a very fast pace and unlike any other industry, this industry also requires good management in order to increase productivity. So, here comes the importance of healthcare management. According to a recent study, it is estimated that the demand for these experts will increase over 20% in the next five years and it is also found that there may be many job openings in gerontology, home health care and health care administration. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/marketing-strategies/it-and-administrative-job-opportunities-in-the-healthcare-industry-74696



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Building a Successful Big Data Analytics Program in Healthcare

With regards to big data analytics in the healthcare industry, there's a noteworthy contrast between beginning an activity and succeeding with it.  We have to collect data systematically. Organizations should also conduct regular reviews of their data integrity and health information management programs to help clinicians to collect important data in a standardized, and accurate manner. Big data analytics is costly and hiring an outsider with more experience might be interesting for suppliers who are feeling lost. Outsourcing can also be risky when it comes to data security. Read more at: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/how-to-build-a-successful-big-data-analytics-program-in-healthcare


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Healthcare sector evolving to meet high demand in health service quality

Continuously evolving technology in the healthcare sector is creating immense pressure on the healthcare providing concerns, to meet their highly demanding service quality and financial goals. Organizations are trying to develop step by step connections, by keeping track of all the different stages a patient has to go through, once he enters into the concerned healthcare system. The healthcare industry has been giving a lot of effort in the development of the health information system and big data analytics, in order to improve the healthcare service. As, more and more stages of the healthcare cycle becomes electronically recordable, the easier it becomes to keep track of the patients and their health situations. Read more at: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/health-data-interoperability-requires-patience-persistence

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Healthcare: Increasing operational efficiency, by analyzing data on patient transfers

Health care providers, lose track of patients as soon as they relocate from the healthcare facilities. The process of relocating within hospitals is equally complicated for patients. A well-defined IT infrastructure can be used to address both the issues. It is important to match patients with their appropriate health care facilities, by collecting and analyzing the data on the patients’ needs. It will also be possible for healthcare providers to draw valuable insights, by collecting and analyzing data on patient transfer procedures. Hence, we have both big data and data analytics, coming into play, by increasing the operational efficiency, but dampening the revenue earnings of the healthcare industry. Read more at: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/big-data-on-patient-transfers-raises-quality-snags-revenue

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IoT in Healthcare Industry

A certain cross-country survey revealed that the Internet of Things (IoT) was first adopted by the Healthcare Industry. Organizations that adopted the IoT, believed that they could meet business challenges like patient engagement, loyalty, safety and satisfaction without any delay.
According to Laura DiDio, Director of IoT Strategies Enterprise, the need for IoT is felt highly by enterprises to address and solve pragmatic business issues. Andrew Brown, SA’s Executive Director of IoT and Mobility says that IoT can also be used for cost savings, development of new services, increased competitiveness and better understanding of the business.
It can be said that the Internet of Things has great potential in the field of healthcare and with evolvement of mobile capabilities its growth rate will be escalated.
Read more at: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/healthcare-industry-is-an-early-internet-of-things-adopter



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Impact of Big Data on healthcare

Big Data and analytics have a huge role to play in the future of healthcare. Data will play a major role in deciding how healthcare companies, practitioners and technologies interact with their patients. Big Data ensures efficiency and accuracy in predicting treatments. Using data, doctors can make more accurate predictions based on the specifics of the patient rather than using a general rule for treatment. Major companies are venturing into healthcare by formulating pre-defined algorithms; making it easier to cure complex medical conditions. With the advent of Big Data in healthcare, people will have the opportunity to keep a track of their health; doctors will have a better idea of somebody’s health thus allowing them to provide health advices on the go. Read more at: http://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/big-data-has-a-huge-part-to-play-in-the-future-of-healthcare



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Healthcare:Adopting Business analytics

In the healthcare industry, big data and business intelligence work as complements which have helped the industry to achieve a remarkable growth. In today’s world data collection has its own advantages but we need instruments to refine them and make sense out of them. Herein lies the importance of clinical and business intelligence. More and more organizations are resorting to business analytics. It helps to make better clinical decisions and organizations stand to benefit from it in the transition from a fee based industry to a value-based one. Organizations have targeted their focus on population health and are implementing C&BI solutions accordingly. These help in deciding on the best strategy for the industry as the care models are undergoing a change. Read more at: http://www.dataversity.net/infographic-business-intelligence-in-healthcare/

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Digital Platforms for Healthcare Marketing

Digital marketing has become a necessity in every industry. Healthcare marketing professionals hesitate to use digital channels is due to its fragmentation. Jonathan Catley (Sales & Marketing Manager), writes in his article link about the top digital platforms for healthcare marketing and different channels one can utilize. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/2015-03-04/top-digital-platforms-your-healthcare-marketing



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Impact of Integrated Delivery Networks in providing solutions on life science brands

IMS Health, a leading international information and technology services company, provides clients in the healthcare industry with comprehensive solutions to measure and improve their performance by using anonymous healthcare data to deliver critical, real-world disease and treatment insights. Recently, it announced the immediate availability in the U.S. of IDN Impact - a solution to measure, compare and prioritize the influence of Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs) on life sciences brands. Combining a unique data set of IDN influence metrics with business intelligence software and local market analysis, IDN Impact enables life sciences organizations to effectively shape and execute their commercial engagement actions. Read more at: http://www.imshealth.com/portal/site/imshealth/menuitem.c76283e8bf81e98f53c753c71ad8c22a/?vgnextoid=3edfb0cfe6228410VgnVCM10000076192ca2RCRD&vgnextchannel=5ec1e590cb4dc310VgnVCM100000a48d2ca2RCRD&vgnextfmt=default

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