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Reasons to become data scientist

Data Scientist has been coined as the hottest job for the year 2016 by many leading platforms. But should it be the only reason to choose data science as a profession. Not at all. So here are some more reasons that can help you. The starting salaries are on the rise, you will earn more, PhDs are no more essential. There are enormous opportunities in various industries including finance, healthcare, and transportation. You get a chance to make a difference. Read the complete article here: :http://www.itworld.com/article/3063499/5-more-reasons-to-be-a-data-scientist.html

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Big data, Analytics offers the hottest job

According to a report, analytics and big data are going to see most vigorous hiring. Established firms and startups are offering handsome income to talented data scientists. Analytics and big data sector have been on consistent growth over last five years and are expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of (CAGR) of 33.2% and 26.4 % respectively. The demand for data professionals has increased. It has been predicted that in coming times data science is going to have most exciting jobs. Read the full article here: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/analytics-big-data-to-see-robust-hiring-high-pay-packets-report/articleshow/51105814.cms



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