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How you can improve each step of supply chain

To gain the edge in competing business world, one requires operation efficiency and it can be achieved by improving each step of supply chain. To do so following pointers can be used:

·         Cloud Based System

·         Communication

·         Dashboard Reporting 

·         Automate Purchasing

·         Vendor Performance

·         Cost Awareness 

·         Checkweigher

·         Transparency


Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/understanding-crm/ways-to-improve-each-step-of-the-supply-chain-73297

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Improvement in the field of education

In Cuba, by reviewing all stages of education (primary, secondary, and higher) and emphasizing the process of continuous improvement led to the creation of new institutions. Nowadays, the education ministry is updating the process which aims at a comprehensive, flexible, and participative curricular conception, which will play an important role in academic and civil formation. To know more, follow: - http://www.periodico26.cu/index.php/en/we-recommend/21773-continuous-improvement-of-cuban-education-highlighted

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