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Importance of creating a business website

Creating an effective business website is important as well as vital, since it requires you to be skilled in both web design and basic principles of marketing intelligence. While it is unquestionable that the main objective of a website is to send a message, but, the nature of this message varies on factors such as the industry, product, audience and even the way in which they reached you in the first place. The author explains the principles you must follow while creating a website. Read more at: 



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A quick check list to combat major IT shutdown

The major basis of all the enterprise lies on IT system and services. What will happen if there is a major shutdown in IT section? The solution does not lie on the questions whom to contact or how to fix! But a well prepared process may lead to quick remedy. According to columnist Gene Rogers we can follow eight easy steps to manage:

1.How much time should be taken to manage the crisis so that the sudden shut down do not disturb your business model, revenue generation, customer loyalty and HR system.

2. Prepare a quick action team with at least one primary and secondary back up in each service area.

3. Create a crisis checklist where we can anticipate any upcoming issues.

4. Create predefined templates as email, text message to facilitate the process faster and smarter.

5. Devise an automated alert mechanism.

6. Separate conference line for tech staffs and business personnel to facilitate the smooth crisis management situation.

7. Create a script for the conference line to keep order.

8. Practice in regular basis to stay updated and ready for any situation.

To read, follow: http://www.sixsigmaiq.com/pex-tools-technologies/columns/are-you-ready-for-a-major-it-outage/


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Problems of Multiple Cloud Services

What are the problems faced when migrating multiple IT services to the cloud?  Inconsistent service attributes: Service attributes include security, reliability, availability, scalability, quality of service (QoS), support, and service level agreements (SLAs).  They determine how well a service will perform and how much time and energy will be required. Crosstalk: This can happen when multiple services compete for the same resource, such as bandwidth or network router processing power. Cloud services money pit: Each cloud service provider must charge a minimum monthly fee to cover its infrastructure costs which becomes excessive as the number of services and the number of providers increases. User friction frown: While single sign-on can alleviate a small portion of the redundant task "friction" caused by multiple IT services, keep in mind how much aggravation your users may experience. However moving to cloud computing can lower capital expenses, lower onsite management and upgrade costs, global service consistency, virtually unlimited scalability, and better support for remote and mobile workforces. Read more at :


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Top five information technology functions which can be outsourced

In an informative article by GlobeNewswire and published in NASDAQ website we come to know about the top five functions in information technology that might be outsourced by IT executives this year. Outsourcing a service not only helps in saving time but also add costs benefit to a company. Top five services which might be outsourced are connectivity and bandwidth,24/7 network monitoring, virtualization, disaster recovery and security.

For more information please visit:-

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How analytics can deliver insight for health care IT services

According to the research firm Gartner, health care providers in the Middle East and Africa will spend $2.8 billion on IT products and services in 2014, an increase of 2.8 percent over 2013.It is expected that Saudi Arabia & UAE will continue to focus on building and expanding their healthcare infrastructure. Information Technology enabled services got a huge role to play in this market and health care IT professionals are expected to deliver more in terms of quality while containing costs. Users of technology in the health care industry expect their IT systems to work, delivering what they need and when they need it. Lives can depend on this.An effective way of meeting these objectives is the deployment of robust IT analytics, which will provide hospitals with clear visibility into the health and performance of their IT infrastructure. Inefficiencies, disruptions and failures can be identified automatically as they occur, and often before end-users are even aware of them.

To read more, visit the following link:



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