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Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Machine Learning and Deep Learning both uses the algorithms fed into them. While in the first, the algorithm needs to be told how to make accurate prediction, in the latter, the algorithms are fed via neural networks, making the operation similar to a human brain and involving lower chances of mistakes as compared to Machine Learning. While Machine Learning gives result for a numerical and text field, Deep Learning also enables face, voice and handwriting recognition. Also, with new data fed into the system, the accuracy rates by Deep Learning are much more than by Machine Learning. Although Deep Learning is anyday better than Machine Learning, Machine Learning plays a vital role in the existing economy. Read more at https://www.analyticsindiamag.com/understanding-difference-deep-learning-machine-learning/

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Easy Searching With ML

Internet is a vast place where one could get and post information globally. Many search engines help you to find what you want using different search algorithms. Ever since the first search algorithm was discovered, many new searching algorithms are being invented and used to make searching process easier. However, there are times when text-based searching becomes really exhausting. Take an example of flower. You are very fascinated by a flower you saw in wilds and is very curious to know about it. You start searching about it using it properties like colour of petals, number of petals, description of leaves etc. This would be very tedious and still there is no surety whether you will get results or not. 

Now imagine for searching with the help of picture. You just click a picture and rest will be done for you. This is known as Visual Searching and to achieve that Machine Learning is used. This type of searching can be extensively used in various domains. Initially a large amount of dataset will be required to train your machine. However, by using the concept of neural networks, this could be achieved and used. Read more at: 

Read more about it at https://medium.com/gsi-technology/ml-in-visual-search-part-i-d54cf4f2b509


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Application of Analytics in Police Department

The need for wearing body cameras for police personnel has increased. Police departments are also taking the help of specialized data mining solutions to predict and prevent misconduct. The problem with this, is that, it leads to officers being treated differently based on actions they are yet to take, and might never take at all. Predictive analytics is playing an important part in modern policing and in ending crimes which are less serious than police misconduct. For more read the article written by Graham Templeton ( Writer ): http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/224560-new-analytics-can-predict-and-possibly-prevent-police-misconduct


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