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Shifting to offline strategy: A new trend in e-commerce industry.

Flipkart is not the first of the many e-commerce players to start their operations online. All has not been well for this industry in the past, both for consumers and investors. This has happened for various reasons including the entry of diverse competition as well as government policies—particularly demonetization. Following a offline to online strategy is only because of declining growth in the e-commerce industry is an overstatement. The idea is to provide interior designing consultancy and offer a holistic experience to the consumers for better decision making. Another reason for an offline presence is offering a platform for increasing brand credibility and cement its online business. Read more at https://theindianeconomist.com/online-offline-e-commerce-industry-declining/


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Taking online and offline marketing together with Machine Learning and Big Data.

Most businesses need a combination of multiple marketing techniques to exhaust the full potential and make it more productive. Though internet usage is increasing each day, but offline marketing channels still involve lots of customers. Best marketing strategies merge both offline and online marketing. This might seem a difficult task, but machine learning models make it easier. These lessons from the data field which channel, in what way, and at what time will be most effective for the particular set of customers. This is called intelligent messaging. Thus leading to maximize success of marketing. A significant increase in the success rate has been observed in the marketing strategies using these techniques. Learn more about it in the article written by Brendan O'Kane (managing director and chief executive officer of OtherLevels) at: http://www.itproportal.com/2016/01/04/intelligent-messaging-big-data-machine-learning-a-powerful-combination-for-multi-channel-marks/

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