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Operations management using Big Data

Businesses have made use of data for operations management, for decades now. Data being used for operations management involve continuous flows of information and mining of data. Such data are handled and untangled using advanced and unique storage, management, analysis and visualization techniques. Big data analytics is usually dependent on extensive storage capacity and quick processing power. Insightful data can be gathered from various sources like web, social media etc. Big data is now being used to predict customer purchase decisions. Big data when linked with production applications and timely operational processes enables continuous improvements. Organizations are now realizing that data can bring value through continuous improvement in their operations. Thus, data needs to be collected, filtered and analyzed. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/big-data/crunching-big-data-operations-management-01255094

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Choose right project management tools

Implementing wrong project management tools can ruin a business. So before deciding which tool to implement, we must first make the foundation of a project with solid definition of purpose and also it is required to estimate the various needs and requirements of project. Project management tools should work more smoothly and should deliver the results in an efficient manner. To know more kindly refer to the below mentioned link:  http://lnbogen.com/2014/04/14/how-project-management-tools-kill-more-companies-than-any-other-saas-out-there/

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Common construction problems resolved by project management

Project management is an important medium to reduce wastage of time, resources and money. Traditional project team models are not that much effective in construction industry. In this article, four ways are mentioned to work more effectively and efficiently. For a  successful project, it is very crucial to give importance to value engineering, identifying the associated risk, minimizing build time and maintaining long term relationships with the clients. To know more kindly refer to the below mentioned link: http://projectmanager.com.au/basic/4-common-construction-problems-project-management-resolves/

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Nitin Sinha
After thinking over for quite a while about whether to go for PMP or SCRUM certification, I opted for a PMP prep course , Instruct... Read More
Friday, 30 May 2014 05:54
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Ways to build on the strengths of your team members

According to a research done by Gallup Organization's State of the American Workplace, it was found that tapping the strengths of team members can create wonders and if utilized properly and efficiently can provide highly productive results. They also found that when employees become aware of their strengths, they become 7.8% more productive. Team members should be allocated jobs based on their area of expertise which will not only be beneficial for the company but also for employees and this will give them more job satisfaction and hence will bring better results. To know about how to build the strengths of your employees, please visit Tim Clark (partner and senior analyst with The FactPoint Group, a market research and consulting firm)'s article link at: http://www.pmhut.com/11-ways-to-build-on-the-strengths-of-your-team-members

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Is a project complete without benefits realization?

A project is not complete until it starts delivering benefits or profits to the owner of the project.
Following best techniques and using best resources while development of the project is of no use unless and until the project starts giving returns.
To know more kindly refer to the below mentioned link:-

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Hot project management trends for 2014

In the second quarter of 2014, we are going to see shift of communication tool from e-mail to audio-visual, scope of mistakes will minimize and use of cloud computing are likely to increase. Moreover, there is going to be a sharp rise in demand for Agile Projects.

To know more about the new trends, kindly refer to the below mentioned link: -  http://www.sooperarticles.com/business-articles/project-management-articles/5-hot-project-management-trends-2014-1321635.html

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Project schedules and decision trees

Decision trees can be generated based on project schedules. This article shows how to use decision tree analysis in project management as part of quantitative risk and decision analysis.

Please go through the link for more details: http://www.intaver.com/Articles/Article_DecisionTree.pdf

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