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Identifying a Data Scientist.

Data scientists are the ones who use sophisticated quantitative and computer science skills to both structured and analyse unstructured data as well as derive intuitions from the data and suggest actions. Data scientists can tackle with problems that are complex, huge in size and disorganized using several coding languages. To identify a data scientist following points are to be taken into consideration:

Qualifications: Data scientists are required to have an advanced degree usually a masters or PhD in a quantitative discipline such as economics, statistics and their educational background may be diversified.

Skills: Data scientists are efficient users of different tools used for analytics and are well versed with coding languages such as Python or Java used for writing programs, transformations etc. They are also have expert knowledge about statistical and machine learning models such as R and SAS.

Dataset size: They usually work with datasets measured in gigabytes up to petabytes.

Job responsibility: Data scientists are well equipped to work on every stage of analytics life cycle which also include data acquisition, transformation/cleaning, analytics to predict patterns of the datasets, prescribing actions and programming/automations to contribute to a firms data products.

The main idea behind this is that whether you are a data scientist, analytics professional or programmer you always need to be well versed with the new languages coming in the market each day just as big data has been gaining importance and keep up with the new technology.

Read more at: http://www.smartdatacollective.com/lburtch/320541/more-just-title-how-identify-data-scientist





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