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How Product Recommendation Affect Customers ?


Customers love personal touch and feeling special, whether it’s being greeted by name when we walk into the store, a shop owner remembering our birthday It make them feel like they are your single most important customer. But in an online world, you can’t guide them through the product they may like. This is where recommendation engines do a fantastic job.

With personalized product recommendations, you can suggest highly relevant products to your customers at multiple touch points of the shopping process. Intuitive recommendations make them feel like your shop was created just for them and hence they become your regular customers.

Application of Data Science to analyze the behavior of customers to make predictions about what future customers will like and understanding the shopper’s behavior on different channels can increase the sale by over 30%.Ultimately most important goal for any organisation is to convert visitors into paying customers and hence product recommendations are extremely important in digital age.You can read the full article on Product recommendations in Digital Age by Sandeep Raut (Author) at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/product-recommendations-in-digital-age


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