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Upcoming trends in cyber security

Cyber security has become important for any organization and in 2019, it is expected that the cyber security industry will identify and employ new ways of using user behavior analytics to better address security threats, both internally and externally, through next-generation solutions and wider adoption. They are: mass adoption, use of machine learning and artificial intelligence etc. Read more at: 



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All About Cloud Security

Security is the biggest fear when it comes to storing data in any cloud based software. Security threats are always there in any online transactions. But, these threats always hold us back from new opportunities. It is found that implementing cloud-based software not only save time and money for businesses, but it also helps staff in order to develop new products and services and work towards business growth as cloud software is encrypted and password protected to ensure data security. It also provides a backup for important files and data that could become lost or corrupted should any damage to devices occur and cloud file storage can also be implemented in order to share and store documents within a business.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/safe-sound-cloud-01547415#xwseISmoIe431UFw.97


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Heartbleed web security bug: What you need to know

OpenSSL is a popular cryptographic library used to digitally scramble sensitive data as it passes to and from computer servers so that only the service provider and the intended recipients can make sense of it. If an organisation employs OpenSSL, users see a padlock icon in their web browser - although this can also be triggered by rival products. Google Security and Codenomicon - a Finnish security company - revealed on Monday that a flaw had existed in OpenSSL for more than two years that could be used to expose the secret keys that identify service providers employing the code. They said that if attackers made copies of these keys they could steal the names and passwords of people using the services, as well as take copies of their data and set up spoof sites that would appear legitimate because they used the stolen credentials. This vulnerability allows anyone on the internet to read the memory of the system protected by the bug-affected code. In this way, they can get the keys needed to decode and read the data, according security researchers at the Finnish firm Codenomicon who discovered it. The bug is independently discovered recently by Codenomicon and Google Security researcher Neel Mehta. The official name for the vulnerability is CVE-2014-0160.

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