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Why Small Businesses Should Invest In Social Media Marketing

It has been estimated that an average person spends half an hour to one hour per day on various social media platforms, which amounts to almost two weeks in the course of the year.

This statement should provide enough incentive for businesses to get hold of the utilities of social media marketing; though at the same time it is necessary to consider that social media management is extremely tedious and time consuming. While maintaining the busy life of a small business owner, dedicating time as well as resources to advertise business on social media can prove to be costly.

Yet it is extremely necessary for small businesses to ensure social marketing to gain on various factors like developing connections or creating more promotional opportunities for customers to ensure advantage of business


Consider these four reasons given below as to why you should be using social media marketing for your small business: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/social-media-marketing-4-reasons-small-business-invest-01705099#jMzMGG2ZBxxrD10z.99

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The need of the hour: social media marketing consultant

Hiring a social media marketing consultant can help a company build long term relationships, brand awareness and lead to sustainable growth. Time is of the essence in any business venture. A consultant brings to the table the skill to assess business needs, competition in the market, the targeted audience and builds a smart and efficient digital marketing strategy. Social media is a field that operates 24/7. Keeping that in mind, using social media to promote businesses can lead to increased profit margins. On the other hand, a social media consultant adds to the business valuable information about the market. It helps in making a well informed and better business decision. Social media intelligence also makes it possible to reach out to customers faster making an impact in the business. To know more, please follow: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/3-ways-a-social-media-consultant-increases-your-revenues-01266289

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Gaining Advantage Through Social Media

Organizations must to exploit social media – whether it is social media listening, online analytics, social media intelligence but few organizations do it. Claire Snook (Content Strategist at sixth sense) writes in her article writes about some tips on how brands, regardless of size, can gain competitive advantage. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-data/how-to-derive-actionable-insight-from-social-data/1078




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Social Media Intelligence: An Insight

Visual social intelligence brings businesses closer to their customers. If companies have real-time data, they can identify influencers, respond to customer concerns, and track business success. Social media intelligence gathered and analyzed by the marketing team is useful for campaign planning, PR tracking, and influencer identification. Social intelligence provides insightful information to roles across businesses. It measures the success of KPIs and other success measurement factors, thus improving customer service. Read more at: : http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/connecting-businesses-customers-using-visual-social-intelligence



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