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Use of cloud computing in sports

Sporting events are increasingly depending on cloud computing. From cloud based mobile apps, followers can enhance their experience, ascertain the future value of trading an individual player and find out an athlete's momentum in real time by using predictive analytics. The cloud has revolutionized professional broadcasting by eliminating the risk of upfront IT investment, cutting off enormous resources needed to deploy traditional data centers. To know more, please read the article by Ben Rossi ( Content writer at Information Age )-:  http://www.information-age.com/technology/cloud-and-virtualisation/123460174/why-future-sports-cloud

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From Big data to Smart data

This is the age of Big Data and the amount of data surrounding us is actually huge. The rate at which new data is created almost doubles every month. Some examples to show the trend of data driven decisions in almost every sphere are as follows. The big business of sports has led the charge. We're using our smart phones, watches, and other wearable devices to gather data about ourselves to better understand fitness, nutrition, health, and behavioral tendencies. Local and national governments are contributing too with significant movements towards transparent publication of data on websites. The approaching Internet of things -- as governed by new devices such as the Nest Thermostat, Quirky devices, or even the Waze service that uses consumers' GPS-enabled smart phones to gather information --have such companies as GE and Google making substantial investments based on their potential to both generate and find value in big data. Though there exists so much of data some companies still face problem in dealing with it due to existence of some challenges. Read more at: http://tdwi.org/articles/2014/07/08/turning-big-data-into-smart-data-1.aspx

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Data Mining in Sports: A pragmatic of approaching the game

Professional sports organizations are multi-million dollar enterprises with millions of dollars spent on a single decision. With this amount of capital at stake, just one bad or misguided decision has the potential of setting an organization back by several years. With such a large amount of risk involved it requires a critical need to make good decisions, and hence it’s an attractive environment for data mining applications.

Sports Data Mining has experienced rapid growth in recent years. The task is not how to collect the data, but what data should be collected and how to make the best use of it. From players improving their game-time performance using video analysis techniques, to scouts using statistical analysis and projection techniques to identify what talent will provide the biggest impact, data mining is quickly becoming an integral part of the sports decision making landscape where managers and coaches using machine learning and simulation techniques can find optimal strategies for an entire upcoming season. By finding the right ways to make sense of data and turning it into actionable knowledge, sports organizations have the potential to secure a competitive advantage over their peers. To read more how it has been used: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/psychology/data-mining-in-sports-in-the-past-few-years-psychology-essay.php 

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